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A Rock Festival | deathofcards | 1


Dan put his hand into the side pocket and searched around for a tape. He picked one out at random and slotted it into the car's tape deck. He was pleasantly surprised when he discovered it was the one he had been looking for. The sounds of Kyuss were blasting out of the speakers at high volume. Dan couldn't believe his luck in just over an hour he would be spending the next three days watching some of his favourite bands play live. He had been working his ass of for the past eight weeks in order to save up enough money for the tickets. Dan was humming the tune to Apothecaries Weight when he heard his girlfriend exhale.

Kacey was sat in the passenger seat smoking on a cigarette, she was flicking the ash out of the window as she had it rolled down. Kacey was about 5'4 and had quite a petite figure. Normally she had shoulder length black hair but she had chosen to dye it green for the festival. She was dressed in a tight red t-shirt, which showed, off her 34C bust. Dan could tell she wasn't wearing a bra as he could clearly see her nipples through the material. She also had on a black mini-skirt, stockings and thigh high leather boots

The two of them had been going out for a year and a half. They had known each other for several years before that but had never chosen to do anything about it. In the end it had been Kacey's best friend Amanda who had set them up. They had an open relationship, which suited Dan fine as he couldn't always satisfy Kacey's high sex drive. She loved Dan but she always had urges that he couldn't satisfy, so he let her go out and indulger herself. Although he would have loved to have this attractive girl all to himself it also turned him on to hear about Kacey's exploits.

"Pass me a cigarette Kace." He asked her.

Silently she took a cigarette out from her packet and put it between his lips lighting it. Dan couldn't help checking out his girlfriend as he was leaning over him. He let out a slight chuckle when he saw her hair, as it had blown out of place by the wind. Kacey had spent ages doing her hair this morning only to have Dan ruin it by putting the top down on the convertible. She shot him a knowing glance and poked him playfully in the ribs.

Kacey was silently staring at the landscapes out of the car. She couldn't believe her luck either and it was a great present that Dan had given her, after he had spent weeks saving up to get the tickets. She breathed a sigh of boredom. Dan wasn't going to ask her what was wrong but he knew something was up. Suddenly the uneasy silence was broken by a yawn from the backseat.

Amanda had been Kacey's best friend since school, and had even got her and Dan together even if she didn't like him all the time. Amanda was very bored she was really looking forward to the festival as some of her favourite bands were playing but the car journey was completely uneventful.

Amanda was a little taller than Kacey and a leggy blonde. She had on a micro bikini, which barely contained her 36D breasts. She also had on a miniscule red mini skirt. Of the two of them Amanda had always been the more outrageous most people just saw her as a complete slut. Amanda didn't care really she did what she liked and was rarely ever disappointed.

"How long till we get there?" Amanda whined.

"About an hour." Dan replied, taking some delight in annoying Amanda.

Dan had always found Amanda attractive he preferred Kacey, but he certainly wasn't going to dismiss Amanda's charms. Despite their relationship he had never tried anything with Amanda, as he wasn't sure how Kacey would react to him sleeping with her best friend.

Dan was about 6'2 and well built. He had short brown hair and matching brown eyes. He worked out most days or went skating. He'd dressed in a black Zero t-shirt and a pair of grey combats. He had to admit he was nearly as bored as the girls.


They had got to the site in less time than expected much to everyone's relief. First they unpacked the car and went to find somewhere to pitch the tent and they had set about pitching it. Actually Dan did most of the work while Kacey and Amanda watched him. Dan would have preferred it if Amanda was in her own tent, but Kacey insisted he share. He wasn't going to argue especially if he got to see Amanda naked. Dan finished pitching the tent and put all the bags inside.

He pulled a packet of cigarettes from his pocket and the festival listings. He lit one while reading through the listings. The first band he wanted to see was on in just over twenty minutes. He handed the listings to the girls and Amanda snatched it from him excitedly. The girls spent a few minutes looking over the listings, Kacey was quite dismayed to discover there were no bands she liked on for at least three hours. Amanda however found a new stoner band she liked on in about half an hour.

"So what are you girls doing? Dan asked.

"I'm going to see this new band I like" Amanda replied.

"There's no-one I want to see on for a few hours." Kacey answered.

"Well, I'm going to see Fudge Tunnel. So you can either come with me Kace or go with Amanda." Dan told her.

Kacey wasn't sure what to do, as she didn't really like either band. Dan kissed her deeply before setting off to see his band. She could either go with Amanda or catch up with Dan, or go off and do something on her own.


What happens next?

          Dan heads off alone.

          Sex Mammoth (Dan's other path)

          Fun at the front (Kacey's path)

          Stage show (Amanda's path)


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