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Yet another high school story... | yoyo1342 | 3


You open up your eyes and look over in to the darkness at your alarm clock. It's 5 minutes before 7am. Not in a particular hurry to throw off your blanket, the only thing covering your morning hard-on from the cold air, you decide to just lay there for a moment.

Taking inventory of what's in your room, you can see your laptop open on the desk, next to it are your school textbooks. Yesterdays clothes and a pair of sweatpants is lying on the floor. You've got a bookshelf for your favorite books; a mix of fantasy novels, Vonnegut, comics (think bloom county, not JLA), and assorted other fiction.

You get up, and the cool fall air raises goose bumps on your skin. You wrap one hand around your massive, involuntary erection, willing it to calm down.

You look over your shoulder at the wall mirror to check yourself out. You arch your arm back and flex your bicep giving yourself a fake, cheesy grin. You reach back down to your insistent prick and run a finger along it.
“Gonna have to do something about this thing…” you say, absently.

But in the meanwhile, you can enjoy it. You pretend to smack a girl’s ass with the end of your cock, laughing. You proceed to throw on your ratty old sweatpants and the t-shirt you wore yesterday.

As you turn your attention to what seems to be going on outside your room, you can hear the shower going in the bathroom next to your room. You can also hear movement downstairs along with the smell of breakfast cooking.


How do you want your morning to begin?

          You need a shower...

 could really use a bite to eat.


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