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Aaron's Submission | masbdsm | 3


“Not quite yet. Stand up and put your hands behind your back.”

I stand facing her, my swollen cock twitching, searching, questing to be touched.

You smile and lean forward, tongue out, flicking the head of my cock. I whimper, barely able to control myself, eager to feel her mouth surround me.

“You would do almost anything I told you right now, wouldn't you?” you say, grasping my shaft and squeezing, milking me.”

My knees tremble, seconds away from orgasm, I push my hips forward, encouraging her to continue. “Gawd, yes, anything, but please let me finish.” I plead

You let go of my sex and look me in the eye. “How long have you had this DVD?”

Startled at her question, I answer quickly “About a year.”

“Oh really? How many times have you jacked off to it?”

“A couple.” I answer sheepishly

“Bull shit! Tell me the truth. There is no way you get this hard and excited, then leave it lay for 12 months.”

I take a deep breath, afraid of the consequences “Once or twice a week. I am sorry, I tried to explain several times, but I didn't know how to go about it.”

“So for the last year, your best orgasms have been without me? You left me high and dry while jacking off to a movie?”

Unable to think of another way to explain, I answer simply “Yes Mistress.”

“Straighten up the Living room and wash the dishes, while I take a shower and think about this.” you say abruptly, and exit the room.

All the excitement is gone in a rush. This is not anything like the fantasy I had played out in my head so many times. I wanted to go and apologize again, but I was afraid I would make things worse. Dejectedly, I straighten up the Living Room, then decide to do one better and dust down all the wood work. Determined to show her my remorse, I fly through the kitchen, not only washing dishes, but dusting and wiping down the counters and woodwork there also, then sweep the floor. I hear the door to the shower open, so I run hot water and get on my knees to scrub the floor. I an nearly finished when I hear you walk in. I look up and start to apologize “I am sorry, I didn't mean...WOW you look hot!” I said staring. You have on a skin tight stretch dress of some kind, showing off every lovely curve of your body, leaving legs exposed from mid thigh on down.

“Thank you, now hush dear. This may work out for the best. The way I figure it, you owe me 100 orgasm's. You enjoyed 2 per week for at least 50 weeks. Until you have satisfied that debt, you will do exactly as I say. Agreed?”

“Oh yes!” I agree excitedly, my cock twitching in anticipation. “Thank you!”

“Very well then. The kitchen and living room look very nice, by the way, nice job. Once you have finished with the floor, you may go take a shower. You will shave your cock and balls, along with all your pubic hair. I really liked them in the movie that way.” as she sits down at the table and flips through the newspaper. “Coffee please.”

I look up at you and my heart jumps as you give me a glimpse of the heaven between your legs. Eagerly I jump up and serve you coffee, then turn to finish my task.

“No, that can wait. I think I want some head with my coffee this morning.” you say pulling up your dress and scooting down in the chair, then turning toward the table to read the paper. “Very slow, and very light.”

Awkwardly, I clamber underneath the table, breathlessly sticking out my tongue, eager to begin.

I whimper in delight as my tongue touches your freshly shaved skin. The feel of your soft thighs along my cheeks turning me on even more. Slowly and lightly I lick your folds, proud and delighted to serve and give pleasure, rewarded by your release of moisture, egging me on even more.

I feel a hand on my head, guiding me lower, as you slide in the seat, giving me access to the brown bud of your ass. Hesitating only a second, I touch my tongue, the begin licking in earnest, lubricating you to the best of my ability. You applies pressure, and I stiffen my tongue, probing at the opening, eager to gain entrance. You relax your sphincter and I push harder, not caring at all about what I am doing, wanting only to please my Mistress.

“Finger my ass and fuck me with your tongue.” you say breathlessly

I spit on my finger for lubrication, gently applying pressure, slowly licking your sex. I nearly blow my own load as my finger enters, feeling the pressure as you squeeze on it, thrusting your sopping pussy toward my face and tongue.

Moaning I harden my tongue, entering you as deep as I can, while fucking your ass with my finger.

You hold my head with both hands, pulling me tight, gyrating your sex across my tongue and face, then hold me tight, your pussy throbbing and pulsating as you orgasm. Panting, you relax back into the chair.

I gently continue to lick you clean, amazed at the feeling of pleasure I felt. I nearly had an orgasm just by giving you one! I had dreamed of this moment for years, but had no idea the real thing would be better than my fantasy. My Mistress used me for her pleasure, hers alone. I couldn't help but speak up. “Thank you Mistress.” I said glowingly

Puzzled, you ask “What are you thanking me for? I used your tongue for my orgasm, forced you to lick my ass and have yet to allow you to cum.”

Smiling, I look at her adoringly “Yes, exactly. I only wish to serve you and give you pleasure, in what ever way you desire. Literally, your wish is my command. I almost lost control and shot my load when you rubbed my face in your sex and released yourself on me.”

“Are you serious? Stand up and show me your cock.”

I stand for her, my swollen member at full attention, twitching, eager to be touched.

“Were you playing with yourself?”

“No Mistress, this is only the result of my pleasure in serving you.”

“Jezzus, I am not sure I can handle this after all. That is just too much! I can't be a cold hearted bitch all the time. I still want to make Love and hold you. I want to cuddle and talk, not give orders all the time.” she blurts out, tears welling

Concerned, I kneel and hug you, holding you tight. We must of stayed that way for several minutes, neither talking, just hugging.

“Did you enjoy what just happened?” I ask fearfully, afraid of her answer

“Well, yes, of course I did. You are still wearing the result on your face!” she said laughing, opening up a bit.

“So if this was a sometimes thing, you would be ok with it?”

“Well, yes, if it was a sometimes thing, not all the time, I think I would.” you say thoughtfully. “I think I would like to try being your slave at least once too. It is amazing what I learned in the last few minutes, about both me and you. I really didn't know I wanted you to lick my ass, but it just seemed like the thing to do at the time.”

“I have never thought about licking your ass, or even dreamed I would ever agree to it. I guess we have both learned something.” I said, hugging her again.

“How about this. When I am “Tom” I am your slave. If you are in the mood, just call me Tom. If I am in the mood, I will let you know Tom is in town.”

Smiling, “I think that will work, Tom. Now go take your shower and be quick about it.”

I turn to rush into the shower, and you call out. “And I will let you know when Linda is town too, she may want things to work a little differently.”

Almost giggling, I turn and agree. “That works for me, Mistress.”


After the shower?

          Road trip to Adult Store


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