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Vacation in Aruba | FerAng | 5


"Oh well, if you insist then..." Jimmy sighed as he glanced down over the scum and bubbles, still obviously sceptical about both the amount of oils she'd been using as well as the idea of sharing such a small tub with his little sister. "I hope there's some water left under all this...!"

Jenny just grinned in reply, and then sipped from her drink while watching him pull his shirt over his head. He sure was a stud, she smiled to herself upon seeing his bared muscular chest and arms, but was careful not to let any of her fascination show on her face.

There was a moment of hesitation as he started removing his shorts, but Jenny was quite dissapointed that he didn't show more proof of excitement after all the skin she'd been showing him. There was definitively a bulge in the front of his swimming trunks, which he'd been wearing underneath his normal clothes instead of underwear, but it was clearly far from fully erect.

"Hmm... You don't really need those." She smiled at him as he was just about to climb into the tub at the opposite side to herself, pointing to his trunks as a a questioning frown appeared on his face. "It's a tub after all, and not some public beach!" she added.

"Well, yeah..." He agreed with a sarcastic glance throughout the room. "It's not like you would ever..."

"Go naked into a pool like this?" She finished the sentence for him while he was obviously distracted by something hanging over the edge of the tub right behind her, making him lose himself for a moment. "You really wanna bet on that?"

"I... guess not..." He mumbled while trying his best not to picture what was hidden just out of sight for him, underneath all those bubbles. With his sister's tiny bikini on full display, and obviously not currently worn on her body, it would apparently be quite a view indeed.

"So, it's no more than fair if you remove yours as well?" She kept smiling while he looked back and forth between her bikini, the tub, and down to his own swimming trunks. She thought the bulge had grown slightly bigger by now, and she just loved that uncertain look on his face.

"Well, it's not that fair at all really!" He finally managed to object to her, making a vague gesture towards the tub in general. "You're allready inside of it, so there's no way I'm gonna just stand here and strip for you before I get into the tub!"

"I could just close my eyes then?" She winked at him, but could see by the look in his eye that he wouldn't trust her with just that, making her sigh to herself in dissapointment as she had to give up her hopes for a free show. His way of saying it opened up for other opportunities however, even though she wasn't quite ready to barter on equal terms just yet...


So what's her deal? Eye for an eye? Tables turned? Or letting him off the hook for now?

          Just another turn.

          I'll show you mine, you show me yours!


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