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Peace Through Sex | ronin8 | 2


As you wait, you can't help but think that the name you were given is incredibly familiar. The tall, hourglass-shaped blonde who strides toward you sparks your memory. Susana.... a Russian exchange student during your high-school days. You weren't in her social circle then, but you did end up at a her eighteenth birthday party shortly after your sixteenth birthday. You'd gotten involved with a game of spin-the-bottle and lucked into spinning into her. You remember the hot kiss, and the black eye you got when you felt her up during it. You didn't get to stay for the rest of that party, but you remember fantasizing about her for months after.

And now she's standing in front of you, her curves absolutely perfect, and without any direct sign she recognizes you. But then again, that was a good twenty years back, too. You introduce yourself and offer to take her bags. She hands them over (the smaller one is surprisingly heavy!) and walks beside you to your car.

"Thank you for hosting me," she says as you get on the freeway. "It has been a lifetime since I saw this area."

You try to remain casual, trying to gauge if she remembers you or not. "You've been here before? When was it?"

"I was an exchange student, here for a semester. It was a wonderful experience, for the most part."

"Some parts not so good?" You keep your voice light and friendly.

She smiles, flashing perfect white teeth and revealing the dimples in her cheeks that nearly made you jizz your pants back in high school. Even now, your cock thickens considerably from just a glance.

"I lost my virginity here. But even with the three boys I had then, it was one young man who I wanted to know and never got a chance to."

"Bad boy your host family wouldn't let you see?"

"No, my friends wouldn't let me talk to him. He was the only one who had the guts to make a first move. The last time I saw him close up was at my birthday party. My friends threw him out when he...."

"...Grabbed your boob after landing on you in a game of spin-the-bottle?" You finish the statement for her, startling her slightly.

"You.... know?" You nod your head as you weave around traffic and grab the exit for the last highway to your home.

"I should. But I remember them being smaller then, too. They were warm and soft then. Are they still now?" You reach over and grab her left tit just as you had back then. Recognition flows into her eyes as she puts a hand over yours.

"It was you...," she says breathlessly. You can feel her nipple harden against your palm.

She relaxes considerably and conversation flows much more easily. You learn she became a model after a few years of university life and eventually married her agent. She has one daughter who was sent to relatives in Germany for the summer and that her husband was initially resistant to the idea of an open marriage, despite knowing she would often have sex with her photographers to ensure the best quality from her pictures. You tell her about your own life, finishing with the part about your own home as you pull up into it.

Again you take her bags and lead her to the master bedroom. She gives a number of compliments on the design and decor of the house as you move through it, which you mostly pass off on Silvia's taste.

You set her bags against the closet door as she looks around the large bedroom. You walk up beside her as she takes in the view.

"You were the only boy I met back then who had the guts to make the first move. I had a great deal of respect for that. And I found it more than a little attractive." Her accent makes every word drip with sex appeal.

"Then let's see where that would have ended up," you say, turning her toward you and planting a fierce kiss on her lips as your hands divide between her tits and ass.


Where does it lead?


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