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Bria J Exposed! | dkburrows | 7


A hiss startled everyone as the doors of the bus popped open. They remained frozen for a moment before realizing the bus had reached the terminal. Those who hadn't noticed a thing stood up, business as usual. A few did double-takes as they finally saw the splay-legged beauty displaying her charms to the world.

Of the ones who had been in the know it was Bria who reacted first, leaping to her feet with panicked eyes. "I... I have to go!" she blurted, and raced off the bus, not even stopping to pull down her skirt as she rushed through the terminal, desperate for an exit.

When she finally found one she began to notice people staring at her, with comments like "Nice ass!" and "Can I pet your pussy?" She stopped, looked down, and realized her skirt had ridden up near her waist, baring half her ass and the meaty lips of her shaved pussy. Red-faced she pulled it down and pushed through a stile.

Bright sunlight blinded her as she stepped out from beneath the terminal's roof, but even if she could have seen Bria had no idea where she was. She'd meant to head for the beach but had obviously hopped on the wrong bus.

"In so many ways," she muttered to herself, horribly embarrassed by what had happened. She tried to tell herself that the heat in her crotch was just the sun, that the moisture coating her upper thighs was just sweat, that the aching hardness of her nipples was from the air conditioning on the bus.

Looking around she failed to notice the glances she got. Being a hot girl she was well used to being ogled, but had she been paying attention she might have realized they were staring at her plainly visible nipples, or below her pink miniskirt at her glistening inner thighs.

While the section of town she was in didn't look like a dump it was clearly not one of the high class areas. Various establishments competed for business, mostly catering to tastes that weren't hers. Pondering her options, realizing she had no way of getting hope without her purse, she wandered slowly up the street, looking back nervously now and then to see if she'd been followed.

A bar advertised a wet t-shirt contest, a strip-joint was having an amateur talent competition, while it's competitor across the street had oil-wrestling. All of these and more offered cash prizes. With her blazingly hot looks she could probably win them hands down to get some money for travel or shopping.

But maybe she could just go back to the bus. Jerome might have her ticket, but maybe she could sneak in, or convince them to let her past. Maybe she might even find the black man who'd tricked her into that degrading bus trip (she passed off her quickened breath as exertion).

Bria stopped to ponder her options.


What does she decide?

          Investigating a well-dressed guy unloading boxes


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