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Somewhere else. | latexdoll | 8


You wake to find yourself bound to a thick cold stone slab. Your ass is plugged by something, and a thick gag descends into your throat plugging it as well, the insertion being what woke you from your slumber. You can feel pressure building in your ass as the massive loads they pumped into you are straining to be released, similarly your stomach feels like it is about to burst, telling you they must have fucked you for a while after you passed out. You try to let out a scream and strain against the chains binding you but it doesn't help. Then the woman's face is in front of yours looking down obviously standing just behind your head, letting you know that you are either several feet off the ground, or she is sitting.

As she notices you wake, she speaks, “I am so sorry that I had to do that. I admit I am very impressed with how long you fucked my little babies. Sadly as they aren't even real, they are constructs, so you didn't even have a chance. I will tell you everything I know about your kind just as I promised. There are a race of creatures that can span several alternate realities. You see this one you are in now is the true earth, as you get farther from it things get odd. In some cases magic no longer works, in others the barriers to the outer realms have fallen and demons and devils rule. Where was I, oh yes, these creatures are attempting to sway the balance on this, the prime earth, from evil to good. At the same time there are other darker forces that are doing the opposite. The reason they are doing all of this is because there are just too many creatures in the outer realms that have begun devouring souls. Normally these souls would go to the outer realms to be reborn as forces in the armies of good and evil, but as they are being eaten or used to power magic, so these creatures go into the alternate realities and harvest souls, implant them in strong bodies, reinforce those bodies so they can be true heroes that can accomplish great deeds that shape nations or more, and through these actions they strengthen their souls to the point that once they finally die and go to the outer planes, they will still be strong and can be generals and guardians for others as they die and finally defeat the foul creatures that devour souls, and the dark wizards that use souls for their foul magic. So there now I have done my part, I get to take this magnificent body of yours. The only problem is that I sorta lied. You see I only know 2 ways to get your soul out of your body. The first is to kill you, but if I do that your body is dead and of no use to me. The second, and what I am doing now, is to pump your body full of so much demonic seed that I can trick a spell I know into thinking that you are actually possessed by a demon, then banish your soul to the abyss. Sadly as you are not a demon, as you arrive in the abyss the intense evil there will transform you into the least form of demon and you will most likely remain that way till something destroys you.”

Her chanting sounds foul and guttural and she walks out of sight. You can hear the hiss of hot oil or wax as it splashes against something cool. Then there are hot patches on your skin. You struggle with all your might, but your body isn't strong enough, and the complete lack of oxygen is beginning to drain your strength as well. Finally there is a loud thump and you simply aren't there any more. You find yourself in a dark cave with black rock with veins of what appears to be liquid magma peaking out from within the rock. “Fuck.” You try to scream but all that comes out is a horrific noise that sound like wailing. You look around and try to stand when you are suddenly made aware that you have no legs. Looking down across yourself you see she was horribly right, you are apparently now little more than a long thick snake like creature with a big mouth that even opens sideways as if to make it more disgusting.

Time seems both endless and non existent as your new snaky self. Your new life now consists on sneaking around, eating weird plants and things of all sizes. The first time you kinda hoped it was poisonous, as it was a disgusting black blob of mold, but it seemed to taste rather good. That said you eventually realized in this body apparently anything tastes good, and food becomes the new focus of your life. Several times you have had to fight for your life, others you have had to run from unearthly creatures far larger than elephants of all shapes some nearly human, others unlike anything on earth. Then everything changes in an instant. You are snatched up by a large red skinned humanoid with legs that bend back and end in hooves, huge curled horns like a goat, and massive bat wings. As he lifts you to his face you are sure you are to be eaten but he looks at you and smiles, A thunderous voice then fills your mind as if he were talking directly into your brain, “I am in need of a new servant. I sense enough power in you to survive the change. Do you want to serve me?”


Your answer?

          Given your situation, you agree.

          You will not be a slave.


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