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Eastenders Adventures | holes | 2


"What's your name?" I ask.
"Stacey," she replies.
"OK Stacey, how about we go back to my place and figure this out?"
"I...I don't know if I should"
"You don't want me to tell your parents you're skipping school, do you?"

After contemplating it for a couple of seconds, the sullen teenager reluctantly rises from the park bench and trudges over to me. As we start walking to my house, about 2 minutes away, I can feel my cock getting even harder at the thought of being alone with her, and her apparently willing to do anything.

I open the door to my house and let her inside.

"Come on," I say, ushering her towards the stairs.
"Where are we going?" she asks, looking back at me.
"You'll see," I respond.

Reluctantly, she starts walking up the stairs. I let her get a few strides ahead, as her skirt is so short I can see her white panties and part of her arse cheeks. The temptation to hitch up her skirt right now, pull down her panties and plunge my throbbing cock into her pussy from behind is incredible.


Give in to temptation or be patient?


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