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Eastenders Adventures | holes | 1


I arrived in Walford just a few days ago, and already I got a job working on the market in Albert Square. The girl working on the stall next to me is absolutely gorgeous - late teens, long dark hair, blue eyes, big, pert tits. We said hello earlier and introduced ourselves- her name's Zoe. All day I've been fantasizing about her, hardly able to take my eyes off her. I look at my watch and realize it's nearly time to shut up the market for the day, so I don't have much time to make a move.

"Zoe, what are doing tonight?" I ask.
"Dunno, nothing. Why?"
"I was thinking me and you could maybe get together tonight."
"Sounds good. How about we meet up at 7:30 in the park?"
"Sounds good, I'll see you there."

The excitement has got my cock all hard, and I can't wait for tonight.

I pack up my stuff at the market, and start to head towards the park on your way home. I sneak a glance back at Zoe at the stall, and she's bent over. Her arse is perfect, and straight away my head is filled with visions of fucking her from behind. I know exactly what I'm going to do as soon as I get home, but just then, I see a cute brunette in a schoolgirl uniform sat on a park bench. It's almost as if my hard-on is drawn to her, so I slow down to get a good look at her as I walk by. She's even better looking closer up, and her skirt is tiny, showing off most of her legs. I try not to stare, but it's impossible, and she notices.

"What are you looking at?" she asks aggressively.
"Shouldn't you be in school?" I blurt out defensively, shocked and embarrassed that she noticed me staring at her.
"What are you gonna do about it?"

I decide this girl needs to be taught some manners.

"I could tell your parents" I say, hoping to provoke a reaction.
"You wouldn't dare!"
"Wouldn't I? What's stopping me?"
"Please don't! I'll do anything"
"Anything, you say?"

"Anything" covers a lot. A million thoughts run through my mind, all of them involving my cock, her mouth, and her pussy. My cock is now practically throbbing at the prospect of getting this hot teenage girl to do whatever I want.


What, or where to, now?

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