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Somewhere else. | latexdoll | 6


Whatever the voice was it had the desired effect, the one fucking your throat withdraws with a slow sucking pop. Finally able to catch your breath, you begin panting instantly, the continuous piston like fucking in both of your other holes still pressing against your organs deep within you making it impossible to draw a deep breath. About an instant later you hear yourself moaning, grunting, and yelping like some wild animal as the pounding continues. Then you hear the voice more clearly, it is another of the creatures, “What you three doing?” You hear it ask.

The two pounding away at your ass and pussy don't even miss a beat, but the one now standing answers for all of them, “She say we fucking. Fucking elf fun, it feel good.”

“Why you not kill and eat elf, elf taste good?” The faceless voice fires back.

“No kill, fucking better, it make me feel strong like elf said. I stronger now, fucking elf magic.”

“Magic. Me want fuck magic elf, me chief.”

“No. We find elf we stronger now, we be chief, you bow to us now.” Looking over you see him stride forward triumphantly, raise his club, and take a powerful swing. His swing carries him wide enough to see his intended target is a slightly larger version of the species, that you would guess is ever so slightly smarter as he carries a shield and what looks like a metal headed mace. The larger one deflects the powerful blow with his shield.

That is all you are able to see of the start of the fight as your attention is drawn elsewhere. The one buried in your cunt shudders, grabs your shoulders, and pulls you down on him roughly as he begins bucking slowly in odd strokes and you feel a massive hydrant going off within you, filling you with cum. He lets out a long low howl as he blows. This is apparently all it takes for the other to be driven over the edge and he two clamps his hands on your tits pressing his body against your back as he also begins a rutting like spasm as he blasts into your ass with such force that you surely would have been shot like a bullet from a gun if the two were not holding you firmly in place. For a few moments your mind seems to be somewhere else as the pressure, and pleasure overcomes you till finally you come back to your senses to the sound of the three of you howling like some carnal chorus. Finished, they both simply stand up, letting you drop from their cocks onto the floor, both of your holes distended and gaping open, leaking cum. Your belly is noticeably distended and bloated from the massive volume of cum within you, your body is sore as hell but, 'fuck that was amazing' is all you can think.

The two finished now stand and look to the fray. The larger clearly having won the battle calls to them, “So has your magic elf made you stronger, do you attack me?”

You are not sure which one answers as you can't help yourself but to rub your gaping holes, “No, fucking elf make us weak.”

“Weak!” He yells back, “You need kill elf witch. She make you weak.”

“No kill, fuck elf make Garok happy. Garrok keep magic elf. Fuck magic elf feel good.”

“If fuck elf feel good, you give to chief. Chief pay you for elf.” This carries on for some time, but all you can focus on is the cum leaking out of you, and trying to call forth some kind of magic to get your holes to close back to normal shape. But as you stroke and massage them you find as you leak out the massive volumes of cum, either the magic you cast first, or simply your elven nature is enough as they both return to their previous tight, luscious forms. This takes long enough that by the time you bring yourself to stand up and look around you see impossibly all but the one with the shield are apparently either dead or unconscious, apparently having battled it out to determine who would get you. He seems to notice you standing and calls out, “Elf magic bad, you kill everyone. You go, me no want evil elf magic.”


What now?


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