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Your mixed wrestling career | losermike | 4


Mouth open in shock as her boots ride up against you and she contracts her thigh muscles, you move one hand then the other, crab walking forward. The terrible pressure on your stomach subsides, and her boots rock back and forth against your penis, the shaft extending.

"Good horsie. Faster. Faster!" She squeezes and you gasp, starting to move around the ring. The crowd is laughing as she subjects you to her "Ride from Hell" submission hold very early. You pick up speed, turning as you near the ropes, her boots stroking your shaft roughly as she turns you to the one side, then the other. Your panting, your face reddening as her hand slaps the back of your head.

"Faster, faster. Now winnie.."

Your fully erect and breathing hard as she moves her boots alongside it, her steely gri still around your body. You make a winnying noise, unable to help yourself, picking up speed as you have trouble thinking.

Moments later, there is an audible crack and you see stars, as she guides you with her feet headfirst into a turnbuckle. You slide forward stunned as she rises, placing one boot over the back of your neck.

"Up horsie." She reaches down and grabs you by the hair, releasing her boot and hauling you to your feet, then bitchslaps you across the face. Your face leans back over the top rope. She reaches forward and grabs you by the nose yanking you forward, then grabs your hand with her other hand, irish whipping you across the ring. You rebound, bouncing off the ropes and returning trying to recover your senses.

You take three steps after you rebound, barely turning in time to see her come running forward, leaping into the air, both feet slamming into your head. Your stopped cold dropping to the mat.


What happens next?

          You stumble awkwardly to your feet.


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