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Somewhere else. | latexdoll | 4


As you are quickly trying to decide the best thing to do your mind suddenly jolts, freezing you in place as a vision plays out in your head. In the vision you see your new body as it is now, although in it you are already dressed and there is no campfire or cooked fish. You see your new self react similarly to the noise you just heard by calling to the jaguar by the name of Nakkat and racing off into the jungle with the agility of a cat herself in the opposite direction of the coming creatures. Then just as she pulls herself over the trunk of a fallen tree nearly 5' in diameter she finds herself in front of 3 drab blue skinned humanoids nearly 8' tall, hugely muscular, dressed only in simple animal hide thick kilts, carrying a large sack each tucked into a thick belt, and a huge roughly crafted club. With obvious practiced ease she sets upon them as Nakkat joins the fray and as the huge men attack, you witness her skill with her spear, the ferocity of Nakkat, as well as her ability to control the very elements as she calls forth fire from the very air to burn her attackers. She proves victorious, but the battle rages too long and as the third falls she is set upon by two dozen more. With horror you watch as she tries to fight off their attacks, calling to the forest to grasp at her attackers, creating balls of rolling flame, and even at the last, in an effort that you can tell pains her greatly as her magic seems to take a tole on her body as well as a rippling wave of fire flows away from her in a field 30' long and 10' wide, burning all in it's path. But this is her last act of magic as you see Nakkat fall from a crushing blow, as he does you can tell she is visibly weakened, and as a pair of the large creatures grab at her she is caught finally by one, her spear knocked aside as she is lifted into the air by her right leg. Then as she is crushed against a rock the crystalline creature is there and time seems to stop. You see a golden mist flow out of your new body and into the forest, the creature then takes the doll they made in your dream and touches it against your new body. As it does time reverses and speeds up, like you were watching a movie rewind, till at the end it stutters as if you had already changed the flow of time till in a flash it is done and you are sitting there, fish in hand, as you are now. Then with a flash of light it is gone, and you are once again able to move.

“Are you ok?” Nakkat asks concerned, his head tilted to the right as he looks at you. Your mind instantly panics. You now know you are surrounded by over two dozen creatures that are apparently planning to kill you.

“We have to go.” You say not able to hide the panic in your voice. Quickly you gather up your clothes and start to get dressed, but as you pick through the pieces of armor and clothing your mind still reeling by watching your new body killed can't seem to focus and as you pick through the armor plates you can't seem to remember where they go. You are finally able to figure out which plates are for your arms and which are for your legs, and grab for one of the long rigid leather boots and start pulling it on, but it is so hard you can't even seem to get your foot in causing you to eventually loose your balance and plop down on your sexy ass with a thump. “What is wrong with these things?” You ask in a state of now almost total panic.

Nakkat begins to growl a low throaty growl and you hear him say, “Something is here.” As he does you see as you yanked up the boots you apparently pulled the laces that hold on the plates so tight that the top of the boot was squeezed closed.

Then you hear another voice, a guttural low tone speaking in some almost primitive sounding language that you are somehow able to understand, “A naked elf?”

“We are going to eat well tonight.” A second voice laughs in response. Turning you see the three massive humanoids that you saw in the vision standing at the edge of the small clearing that you made your camp in only 8 or 9 feet away. You know the person that originally inhabited this body was able to fight and kill all three of these creatures, but she was fully dressed, not to mention standing and armed. Even still fighting them was what led directly to her downfall.


So how are you getting out of this?

          Make love not war.


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