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Your Wish Is My Command | FerAng | 4


"Yeah, that's it...!" The genie smiled at her master while he agreed to her instructions, squeezing her big tits together for him as she leaned forward and *listened* to his thoughts. She wasn't actually gifted with any mind reading abilities, but the bond to her master as long as he carried the ring would allow her a limited insight to his thoughts... And right now there was a very clear image of a certain shape etched into his mind. "There! It's done!"

"Eh, what...?" Connor asked her with a surprised look on his face as she spread her arms out as if saying *Tadaa!*, then quickly glanced around over his shoulder in search for any changes to their surroundings. Not that he really expected to find some woman of his dreams to pop out from under a nearby shrubbery of course, but... "Uh...?"

"She's right here, silly!" The genie laughed at him as he turned back to her again, taking him completely by surprise as she nearly threw herself into his arms and pressed her curvy chest up to his own. Her sensous eyes looked like they were shimmering with happiness as she gazed up into his, completely undaunted by his obvious embarressment. "Are you not happy, master?"

"Err, well..." The young man started stuttering as he tried to get a grip on the situation, feeling his cheeks burning red while his fumbly hands tried to find some less naked skin to hold onto while regaining his balance. At first he didn't understand a thing of what she was talking about, before it finally hit him that the woman he had been thinking of, was in fact the genie herself. Not a bad deal at all really, but he couldn't help but feel tricked as he realized she still hadn't showed her any proof whatsoever of any magical powers that she claimed to possess. "Uh... I just... I thought that... you would make, like... a clone of yourself, or something?"

"Huh? Just one of me wouldn't be enough for you?" She wondered while stepping back a bit, not quite offended but certainly sceptical as she slowly looked him over again. "In fact, I'm not sure you would be able to handle as much as that... It takes a lot to keep a woman satisfied after all!"

"Uh, yeah... right..." Connor had to agree, though he had no experience at all in the matter himself, feeling more than just a little bit embarrassed by the way she was telling it. Tricked, patronized, and slightly off balance, he was slowly getting more and more fed up with this crazy dream of his... "Right, so... umm... Another wish then?"

"Well, of course... If you don't want to make use of your first one right away?" She gave him a shrugg of her shoulders, along with the most suggestive little smile he had seen in his life, making him slightly regret his hasty decision. If she indeed considered herself his girlfriend by now, it would truly be foolish not to get anything out of it...?


So what's his next decision then?

          About this so-called *inability*...


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