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Somewhere else. | latexdoll | 15


Looking down at the piece of shit below you, you can't help but think this guy deserves no better than for you to spill his miserable guts all over the floor. Yet when it comes right down to it, despite the fact that you are here to kill someone, you can't bring yourself to do it. “You are really lucky I am not the girl I used to be.” You remark to his body as you pick through his belongings and find the keys to set you free. Once you are free you quickly get yourself dressed, minus your destroyed g-string, relieve him of his 23 silver coins and a pouch that smells like salted meat, and decide on your next course of action.

Knowing the other guard went to get the captain, and that just might be who you are looking for, you figure the best thing to do is set up an ambush here. Dragging the body of the guard out of sight, you figure 'fuck it' and simply plop down on your well fucked ass, and wait for them to return. Just as you plop down your body decides enough is enough and your ass lets out a rather moist sounding long gurgling fart and you suddenly become aware of one of the problems with anal sex. Your body apparently doesn't want to stay full of cum. Quickly you hop to your feet, squat, and pull up the back of your tiny scaled skirt so as not to completely cover it with cum, and let it all flow out of you on the floor. Finally finished you rise to your feet and look at the mess on the floor and desk. Without even thinking, you can't seem to stop yourself from bending down over the table and taking in a big sniff of the sticky white mess on the desk. Then before you know it, your tongue betrays you and you find yourself licking it off the desk. “Ok, that was disgusting. Ya, I am not quite right am I?” You laughingly ask the empty room.

You wait in that room for nearly a half hour, taking the time to clean yourself up as best as you can with the water he had on him. Finally the door clicks open and you once again find yourself in front of the man that apparently hired the assassin this body used to be. This time he only has the one guard that obviously down played who you might be as they simply stroll in heedless of any danger. “Miss me?” You ask, rising to your feet as he enters the room.

“Kill her it is the assassin, guards help me.” He screams instantly, setting the confused guard into motion drawing his sword. Sadly a single mighty jump kick to his chest sends him sailing out of the room and against the wall unconscious, leaving the two of you alone. “Help me! Guards! Guards!” He screams as he runs away, not even trying to take you on. For a moment this causes you to hesitate, but you know in this type of world you now find yourself in there is no way he will ever see justice. Leveling your pistol, you take careful aim as he runs, and with a slow squeeze of the trigger you end his reign of terror on this community, probably forever branding yourself the villain they think you are in this city, perhaps even beyond. A few guards are on the scene in seconds, and you have no desire to kill any of them as you have no way to know which ones are corrupt and which are actually honestly trying to protect this city.

“Anyone who wants to meet him in hell feel free to follow me.” You challenge them with a sneer, leveling both pistols at the group in front of you. Then running forward, they fail to act fast enough, either due to fear, or confusion, and you head down the stone halls, your padded feet hardly making a sound as you disappear out of the stronghold and into the night air. With a quick look around you see the gathering forces coming at you from several sides. Knowing you have a message to deliver to the south, and no good reason to start killing people here, you run at the city wall. A conveniently placed cart of hay is all you need to vault to the top of the wall and over, dropping down effortlessly onto the grass on the other side. “Time to go.” You laugh at the night as you start running to the south, with a stride that would make many horses jealous. “Fuck I am fast.” You can't help but say as you continue for an hour or so into the night before deciding the best thing to do is spend another night up a tree. A quick leaping climb later and you are once again finding yourself a nice place to perch. Once up the tree you open your new pouch and see what the guard had. Smiling you find three big pieces of what you assume is beef jerky, a hard roll, and 2 thumb sized dates. Pulling out your waterskin, you make a quick meal of most of it, saving only a single piece of jerky for breakfast tomorrow, and settle in to get some sleep.


What does morning bring?


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