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Bastion of the Enchantress | kuellar | 1


"Milady... he's here."

The Enchantress Allura stood by the window. She turned slightly, her profile silhouetted against the evening sky. The herald gulped at the sight of her stunning figure: long silky hair, dark as midnight; endless legs leading up to a narrow waist that blossomed into huge round breasts. Her clothing left little to the imagination -- high heeled sandals accented her toned legs, while her short, low-cut dress revealed a deep chasm of cleavage.

Yes, Allura was truly stunning, and that was part of her power. As an Enchantress, she was skilled in both magic and manipulation, able to harness the power of certain forms of magic as well as use her breathtaking looks to gain influence over men. For many years she had served the king, performing a variety of roles; from espionage to... entertainment.

But something had happened. She had been bested, cast out, left to rot in this lonely castle. Left to rot -- and to plot. And now, finally, the instrument of her revenge had arrived.

Turning fully, she smiled at the herald. "Excellent. Make sure the men are ready. Wouldn't want to make things too easy, now would we?"

"Yes, milady." With a brief nod, the man departed. Allura turned back to the window.


Sebastien weighed the situation. He stood before the Enchantress' castle, and before him stood four men, armed and armoured. They held weapons ready in a battle stance, their faces grim. It appeared he had no choice. He drew his sword and approached, slowly.

He was only lightly armoured, having had to travel a great distance to reach this place. The men before him wore heavy armour, carried both sword and shield. The first man lunged; he parried, dodged, backed away, forcing them to move after him. In their heavy armour they would tire more easily than he did, and he would need every advantage he could get. He kept moving, circling, darting in to strike then dancing away, forcing them to move constantly out of each other's way, careful never to let anyone get behind him.

Finally he saw an opening, and took it. Darting in, he ducked into a roll, his opponent's blade missing his head by an inch. He came out of the roll behind the man; the other three were some distance away. One deft blow with the pommel of his sword, and the man dropped to the ground.

After that, things got easier. His armoured opponents were tiring; their shields not held quite as high as they should be, their swings just a little too sluggish. Before long all the guards were lying unconscious.

Sebastien entered the castle. No one stopped him.


The Enchantress turned once again from the window, this time to see Sebastien standing before her. She took in his chiseled good looks and soldier's physique, smiling appreciatively.

"What is your name?"

"Sebastien, milady."

Allura licked her lips. "Bastion... tell me, Bastion, why are you here?"

Sebastien dropped to one knee before her. "Milady," he began. "I have travelled a long distance to reach you. I have come... to place myself at your service."


What's next for Allura and Bastion?

          She's been expecting him.

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