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Virtual Reality | android1966 | 5


There's a slowly rising swell of discontent among the assembled Britons as the proclamation is translated and relayed by those members of the Iceni that understand latin. Boudicca herself looks grim and an angry flush rises to her cheeks.

"I'm afraid there has been some mistake Quintus." Boudicca protests. "The governor must have been ill advised. My husband Prasutagus indeed had issue and we can produce his will written in latin and attested to by a centurian that the Iceni lands pass to our daughters."

Quintus waved his hand feebly in front of him as though shooing a bothersome fly and gave a snort of derision at Boudicca's words.

"Your barbarian practice of tolerating the rule of women has no legal merit under Roman law." Quintus laughed. "This matter is not open for debate, Gaius Suetonius has made his decision and it is final. We will of course extend a period of transition whilst we ascertain which of your tribe merit Roman citizenship, however after this period all weapons of war and chariots held by non Roman citizens will be handed to Roman authorities on pain of death or enslavement."

You study the faces of the Iceni. They're clearly struggling to hold down their anger, you suspect only the presence of so many heavily armed legionaires has stopped them from erupting into violence already. You glance back at the chariot with the young women you suspect are Boudicca's daughters aboard. According to Tacitus's accounts of this meeting the blonde and redhead are due to be gangraped within minutes. Part of you feels appalled, but undeniably your cock is already throbbing into life and stiffening at the thought of them being violated.

Quintus trots forward on his horse and bending down hands the rolled up scroll to Boudicca. The Iceni queen evidently feels the same as the woman beside you. With slow deliberation Boudicca rips the scroll in half and flings it to the dirt. Quintus's face goes crimson at this act of defiance, wheeling his horse he retreats back to your side.

"The Iceni are a free people." Boudicca shouts in Gael. "You think the offer of Roman citizenship could make me betray my people? We will not surrender one sword or the least of our kin to the Romans."

The legate's face is so red you half expect him to topple from his horse from apoplexy. For some moments his mouth opens and closes without a sound as he struggles to find the words to respond. When at last his speech returns he begins to rant in a screeching rage.

"You miserable Britunculi, we offer you civilisation and you think you can defy us?" He bellows. "Look at the shithole that you primitives call the Iceni capitol. Is this rancid collection of hovels the pinnacle of your culture."

Though most of the crowd cannot understand his words, his sneering tone is universal. Angry shouts come from the Britons and the mob begins to seethe. Boudicca looks around her in worry, she clearly understands that if a fight breaks out now the entire village will be massacred.

"Seize her." Quintus screams. "I'll show you shit rutting Iceni just what Rome thinks of your high and mighty queen."

Quintus gestures some of the legionaries forward. As they approach Boudicca her bodyguard steps forward drawing their long celtic swords. Despite being only a handful against a whole Roman century the determined expressions of the warriors show that they're fully prepared to die to defend their queen.

"No, stop!" Boudicca shouts to her bodyguard. "Lay down your weapons and do not allow these Romans to provoke you, I command it."

Reluctantly the warriors toss their swords to the ground and back away from the legionaires. The mob of Britons held back by the lines of Romans forces calm upon itself although the atmosphere could still be cut by a knife.

As the legionaires seize hold of Boudicca you hear a shout behind you and hear the rattle of chariot wheels. The two girls have urged their ponies into a gallop and the chariot comes barrelling through the settlement gate scattering the legionaires who were guarding the exit.


What should you do?

          Stop the chariot.


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