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Amazon Women | bobolino | 9


Fortunately you remember that ever since the male equality bill passed you are no longer forced to put up with this shit.

You tell her to fuck off, and move away from your desk towards your bosses office.

Your boss is a beautiful 60 years old woman, she's realy a rarity in the fact that she is hapilly married and never tried to make a move on you, even protecting you from the advances of other women in the office.

She's warned you to go straight to her in case of harrasment so as to minimise damage to the company's image and her departement's reputation.

She seems delighted to see you when you walk into her office, at 22 you are considered a very valuable commodity as you are unmarried and free, the most desirable type of male.

Most girls manage to satisfy their urges with dildos and male whores but nothing compares to the feeling of a real, free, young man.

Your boss hears you out and then thanks you and asks you to go back to your desk. She calls Veronica in her office and gives her a harsh talk about new times and new rules. Veronica seems awefuly angry when she gets out but she does stop by your desk and apoligizes to you.

"I'm sorry about before" she says "didn't mean anything by it".

"It's ok" you reply. "thanks for stopping by".

After an eventful day you go back home. Your family is exeptionaly blessed by nature, most families don't get a single male and your mom birthed two sons and foor daughters.

Your brother is only 15 years old and never leaves home unchaperoned. His name is Mike, your sisters are, of course the most popular girls in school. The greatest reward for being friends with them obviously being an invitation to the house with the two boys.

Tonight you decide to go out with your best girlfriend. She's being pursuing you for ever since you know her but she's also very gracious about it and never makes you feel like a slut.

From time to time you let her suck on your cock when she gets too horny, usualy when she drinks.

But tonight things might get out of hand because of a few drinks too many....

what happens next ?


Does your friend Lisa manage to control herself on the way back home?


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