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Memoirs of an Evil Genius | deathofcards | 3


Like it or not despite being an evil genius I was still restricted by the trappings of this idiotic society. Someday they will look back on this magnificent work of literature and realise their mistakes. But until that day I was still forced to go to school. Curse them.

I showered and dressed myself and had a quick breakfast. A few rounds of toast, some bacon and eggs and a bowl of cereal. Why do I make you read these trivial details dear reader, so you too can suffer the mundane acts I was forced to go through each morning.

I rode the bus to school. Yes, this poor genius was forced to ride with these pointless troglodytes that will achieve nothing with their lives. Eventually they will realise that they were travelling with someone destined for greater things but until that day.

I strolled into my first class along with the rest of these morons. The teacher was not present. If I am forced to suffer these pointless classes, then they should at least be on time. I have a destiny, how dare they waste my time like this?

I vowed my revenge on this meatsack I had to refer to as teacher. I adjusted my watch, freezing the room in place. I approached the teacher's desk, examining each of the drawers in turn. I smiled in evil delight as I found my weapon of choice. Carefully I placed several tacks on the teacher's chair. Oh, yes! They would regret wasting my time. I returned to my seat and adjusted my watch again.

After a further ten minutes, which seemed to drag on for eternity our teacher eventually saw fit to bestow her presence upon us. I smiled to myself as she sat on her chair. Jumping up and crying out in pain as she sat on the tacks placed on her chair. I did not want to reveal my masterstroke so managed to stop myself from laughing out loud at her situation.

I feigned interest in the class but after awhile boredom took hold of me. I froze time again. This time disrupting the notes written on the blackboard. I replaced them with the words 'big fat cocks'. Returning to my seat I let the lesson resume. The teacher and my fellow students were bemused at this change to the board. Once again I was forced to display no response to my brilliance.

Finally this dull lesson was over. I headed out of the room along with some the rest of my classmates. We had a few minutes before the next class. Of course with the power available to me I had all the time in the world but I also wished to get this pointless education over and done with for another day.

I walked past to of the school's football team who were as usual hitting on girls on the hallway. They stopped as they often do to hurl abuse at me. At me! Do they not now who they are speaking to? How dare they foul my excellence with their cheap insults. I would have my revenge on these oiks.

I casually made it look I was checking the time and used my watch again. I quickly stepped behind the two jocks and placed the hand of one on the other's buttocks. Call me a faggot will they? Who is laughing now. I hid myself in a nearby locker. Pulling the door shut. Staring out at the corridor I let time resume once more and watched the events unfold.

I chortled to myself as the two jocks started to fight each other. The girls seemed disgusted at the homosexuality of the football players. I could have watched that moment a thousand times and still find it funny. Oh, yes brainless athletes you will forever remember this day when you chose to besmirch the presence of one greater than yourself.

The door is stuck. Damn you. It will not budge despite how much I force it. Please...somebody help.


Does our intrepid evildoer free himself?


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