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Becoming Teacher's Pet | perdita | 4


I decided not to wear any panties or bra the next day. It would make feel really self conscious, the boys are such leeches, and Mr. Rod especially, but I wanted to prove myself to Miss Eriksen.

I passed her in the hall once between classes and she stopped me and smiled in a wicked way.

"Good work, liebchen, I hope you're fully embarrassed, especially at the chalkboard when you have to reach up high."

Checking first to be sure no one noticed she stuck her hand under my short skirt and wiped at my cunt. I moaned quickly and then she stuck her fingers in my mouth.

"You'll be wetter than this after school today, you'll be pouring yourself out to me, to my mouth and fingers, all of them, darling girl. Go to class now and think on that!"


What has Miss Erikson prepared for me?

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