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An Irresistible Daughter | perdita | 4


Nicole realizes what happened and then laughs. 'O, daddy, I can't believe it, finally!'

I say, 'What?'
- Daddy, I've been lying in bed naked for weeks, hoping you'd discover me some day. I actually hoped you'd just wake me up or maybe start petting me somehow. I even thought I'd just pretend to keep sleeping so you could get comfortable and then I'd be like your Sleeping Beauty. You now, my favorite story. Remember all the times you read it to me. Now you know what I wanted her to do when she woke up. Except I wanted you to wake me, not that dumb virgin prince. Ha ha.
- Honey, I can't believe it. I'm speechless.
- Yeah, but your penis seems to be talkin'.
- O, not again. You make me so hot, so hard. I should go, we should forget this. Let's...
- Un-uh. Sit down here. Take a better look at what your girl's turned into. Here, pinch my titties, they're real alert and sensitive.
- Nic, really. This isn't good. I mean it's really good, these are the hardest rosiest nipples I've ever touched. Oh, gawd, let me suck on you, baby, let me pinch and rub and suck these beauties.
- Oh, jeez, daddy, that's amazing. I feel like my tits are gonna explode, like a volcano. But the lava's flowing somewhere else. Take one hand and touch my cunt, it's hot like lava and you'll find another little volcano at its head. yeah, O, right there, right there, daddy.


Does daddy make his girl cum, or do things get more interesting?


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