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The starlet and the prison guard | DamianWhite | 2


As the other guard double-checks your signature and prepares your copy of the paperwork, you take a moment to look at . She looks very subdued, with her head hanging down, staring at her handcuffed hands in front of her. Even without the makeup they forbid her in jail, and the tears still on her face, she is still very pretty. The standard jail jumpsuit is not the most flattering outfit, but she wears it far better than most of the other female prisoners you've watched over here.

The other guard finally hands you your copy of the paperwork, which you cram into your pocket. He gently nudges towards you, and she stumbles forward a step. You take her upper harm in your hand, but for some reason use even less of a grip than you usually do. As the other guard nods at you and leaves, you lead her to one of the several empty, spartan jail cells, unlocking the door and escorting her in.

This is a fairly typical cell in the jail. There is a bed, toilet, sink, and desk, and not much beyond that. It is far better than what you'd see in a prison, but you know that you'd go stir crazy staying in a room like this, and someone like was obviously used to far better. It does have the advantage of being at the end of the row of cells, with several empty ones between this cell and the next occupied one.

suddenly turns towards you. "This is bullshit!" yells. "I shouldn't be in here! The judge hates me, and my old lawyer hates me. My new lawyer will have me out of here before tomorrow."

Great, you think. Although it doesn't sound like she's any different than most of the other celebs that get sent to jail here. There's no doubt in your mind that she deserves to be here, based on what you know of the entire situation. She may be right that her stay might be a short one, though. Hollywood justice isn't always all that just.

You're going to have to fill out some paperwork, to go with the paperwork you've already received from the other guard. First, you need to get settled in, which means that the handcuffs have to come off. Although you wonder if she was properly checked for contraband when she came in, or if she would have had a chance to be exposed to any of the contraband in the cell originally prepared for her. The other guard was kind of vague about that. A pat-down might be in order. Or it might just be unnecessary, and you could just uncuff her, lock her up, and get cracking at the paperwork


She's in the jail cell. Now what happens?

          Remove the handcuffs, lock her in, and tackle the paperwork

          Pat down for contraband


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