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Miss Identified | dayeandknight | 22


As you're debating on what to do next, you hear the sound of Jason's voice.

From downstairs you can here him calling, “Hello? You here, Tom?”

How did he get in? Its not like he has a key...right, you told him about the key in the flower pot when you called him earlier. Well, I guess I'm not waiting for him to leave, you think to yourself.

*I'm sorry, there is no one here by that name,* you hear CARA say which makes you grumble a bit.

CARA and Jason go back and forth, almost mirroring your own conversation with her. CARA tells Jason what she is, and that Sara built her. When he asks about you, she continually tells him that she has no information about you or your whereabouts.

“Is there anyone else here, CARA?” Jason questions CARA calmly, having no reason to worry as you had learned to.

*Yes. Sara is up stairs getting herself ready for you.* You can't help but cringe at the way CARA worded that response.

“Oh, alright,” Jason replies a bit confused.

You take a deep breath. You might as well get this over with now before something terrible happens, you decide, and begin to make your way to the stairs. The heels force you to make small steps to keep from falling, causing your hips to sway. The swaying movements come naturally, your jogging earlier helping you to walk more gracefully then you could ever normally manage.


Time to meet Sara?

          a little tumble

          Jason tries to leave

          "Sara" meets Jason


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