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Neverwinter Nights | shao_tsengan | 5


Your hands grip into the flesh of her ebony shoulders. Viconia's lips part; she gasps when you throw her down upon the grass, dragging her tongue across the violet curves of her lips. Her back arches, round breasts spilling forth and bouncing into shape, a bead of perspiration vanishing between the slopes of her dark cleavage.

You drag your lips down her neck, a show of affection she finds merely quaint at first, cute in a human sort of way, and Viconia snaps you from your romantic haze by dragging her nails down your slender, muscled chest. She grabs your hips and you groan, biting down into her breast. She squeals in delight, curses in her drow language and you lap at her stiff nipple. Your hands grope their way to her thighs, grab, part them and pin her squirming legs apart, the flower of her tight cunt drooling in hunger.

You gaze into Viconia's eyes and she snarls at you. You grab the back of her neck, she cries out in encouragement, arches her back and grunts hard as her hips smash into yours. You bury yourself, all twelve inches of your meaty human cock into this bewitching drowess, savor the feeling of her searing hot cuntwalls around your meat before dragging out, slowly, slamming back into her with an impact splashing her juices over her hips.

"Ungh! Unf! Xas...!" Viconia cries out. She reaches up to claw at your shoulders but you grab her wrists, pin them down, straddle her hips. A look of disdain crosses her features, one you melt away with one vicious slam of your magnificent hips. Her eyes roll back and she cries out, grunting a jet of air from her slim nostrils.

Your thrusts rock her tits on her chest. Her body twists, writhes, drives up and down in serpentine gyrations, a streak of shadowy female flesh beaded with pearls of sweat and ground against the grass by the hammer-pound of your mighty hips. You grit your teeth and fuck her, ram home, drive yourself deep until the collision of your hilt sends her toes curling. She shrieks out and you sit up, grabbing her thighs and just pulling her, dragging her into every one of your thrusts.

She senses the tension in your hips and grins wickedly. Viconia opens her mouth, and instructs you to orgams...


Where do you dump your seed?


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