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Quiet Streets | saddlface | 6


You decide to do the right thing and try to communicate with this woman. Perhaps she knows something about what is going on in the outside world or can help you find some sort of civilization.

"I'm right here," you call out to her, not quite knowing what to say.

She is startled and wheels around, shining her light in your direction instantly. "Who the fuck is that? Show yourself?" she yells anxiously.

You remain obscured in the shadows near the wall and have one last chance to turn and run, but you tell yourself that you can't run from all human contact forever. So you step out into the light slowly and immediately bring your hands to your face to shield the glare of the flashlight beam which she points directly into your eyes. When you do so, your gun comes into view and you swallow hard as you recognize the distinctive click as the woman cocks her gun.

"Drop the fucking piece asshole, before I blow a hole the size of Cleveland right through your goddamn skull!" she screams.

Having stupidly left your flashlight in your pocket, you realize that you don't have much choice other than to do as she says at this point. Even if you turned your gun on her, you would have no idea where to fire it and you'd probably just fire off into the dark before she wasted you. You drop the gun to the floor gently and rise back up slowly, still shielding your eyes from the light. "Look, I don't mean you any harm, I just wanted to..." you offer meekly before being cut off once again by her domineering voice.

"Shut the fuck up asswipe! When I want your opinion, I'll fucking give it to you. Now kick that gun over this way and get your goddamn hands on your head, NOW MOTHERFUCKER!"

OK, so now you're starting to realize that you may have just made a major mistake in exposing yourself to this woman you've never met before. How could you be so stupid?

"Get down on your fucking knees and kiss the floor, you sorry sack of shit and maybe you'll get out of this with your pathetic life," she says matter of factly. You have no doubt that she means just what she says. A real sweetheart, this girl. You kneel down on the floor in the middle of the dark deserted mall and look down towards the floor as your hear her bootheels clicking towards you hurriedly.

"Lower! I said kiss the fucking floor asshole. Can't you fucking follow directions?" she asks it rhetorically, of course. And you immediately feel the heel of her boot on the back of your neck, pressing your face down against the cold grungy tile of the mall floor as she drags your hands behind your back and cuffs them there. You hear the steel ratcheting down painfully tight on your wrists as she holds you prone on your knees, your face pressed to the flor beneath her feet.

Now you're totally helpless, at this bitch's mercy and she doesn't seem very congenial to this point. How the fuck could you be so stupid? Maybe she's just being cautious. You can't be too careful as a woman alone in these lawless times, you rationalize.

That's when you hear her sadistic laughter and you KNOW you're in real trouble...


Does she humiliate and use you here or take you back to her gang?



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