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The Princess and the Whore | WaterMage | 1


Tethri yawned as the morning sunlight filtering through her room’s curtains and into her sleepy mind. She rolled out of her wide bed and stood up. From the look of the sun, it was already late, and she had a busy day ahead of her. The uncertainty and rumours that filled the city were good for business, and she had a full list of clients booked for today.

“A whore’s work is never done,” she sighed.


Princess Sophiana de Phantrile, sole daughter of King Argan of Yanith, yawned as she pushed aside the bed’s canopy and walked to the window. From it, she could see the whole of the city stretched out below her. Ursport was the capital of Yanith, and it was built on a high hill. The palace, where Sophiana had lived all her life, was built on top of the hill, and the city stretched around it, down to the coast on one side and the wide plains on the other. In the distance, she could see the so-called Haunted Forest, although her tutors assured her the dire rumours about it were mere legends. Beyond it she could see the mountains, where the wild tribes lived, and to the south the deserts where the kingdom of Pasedine ruled, where women were considered property.

“Your highness!” the shocked voice of Lila, her personal maid. “You must not stand at the window dressed like that! What if someone saw you?”

The princess looked down at herself. Her thin nightgown was indeed stretched tight across her bosom, her pink nipples showing through the fabric, and she could glimpse the tuft of blond hair at the junction of her thighs, as golden as that which adorned her head. But her room was in one of the palace’s highest towers, and the chance of someone being able to make out details was slim.

“Don’t be silly, Lila,” she replied. “No one can see me. Now, dress me so I can go down to breakfast.”

Lila could here Sophiana’s excitement. Today was her eighteenth birthday, and her parents had promised to hold a party to formally allow appropriate nobles to begin courting her. Not unusually for her age, boys often dominated the conversations between princess and maid, and Sophiana was frustrated by the way her parents kept her away from young men, in an effort to preserve her virginity for her husband.

And Lila, who had far more experience with men, had to admit that some of the pictures of foreign princes she’d seen showed them to be very handsome. Sophiana certainly thought so. Lila would never embarrass the young princess by admitting she’d overheard her moan there names, and spent many mornings cleaning away the telltale stains of her masturbation. Sometimes the princess’s cries were enough to arouse the maid, and at those times she guiltily wondered what it would be like to have her way with her young charge.

“Let us select a dress, then,” she said, banishing such thoughts.


Tethri ate her breakfast on her balcony. She basked in the sun, her lose robe hanging open. She was hardly modest, and those passers by who glanced up and saw her beautiful body might become customers. She had crossed her long, elegant legs, though, so no one could see she was a natural redhead.

She had chosen the house for the balcony, which looked out at the sea. This also meant it was convenient for the docks. Although she was successful enough that she no longer had to spread her legs for sailors fresh off the ship, she still maintained a few of her most effective and well endowed lovers from that time, at reduced rates.

Rough and crude as they may have been, she sometimes missed the sailors. At least they’d had passion, and most of them were better fucks than the clients she had now: fat merchants cheating on their wives, and nobles who were too poor to pay higher class courtesans to cater to their kinkier tastes. She missed the times when a captain would pay a portion of his take to let an entire ship’s crew gang-bang her, horny sailors who hadn’t seen a woman in months taking her however they wanted, leaving her sore but satisfied.

She stood up and walked into her bedroom, slipping off her robe as she did so (and shocking a passing priest with a glimpse of her perfectly rounded ass). She went to her cupboard and picked out a red dress. A long slit up the side displayed her thigh and leg, while the plunging neckline almost showed the edges of her nipples. Held closed by strings, it exposed her down to her naval. She considered one of her elegant silk panties, but decided against it. The customers could be a bit rough on them, and she liked the feel of cool air on her pussy.

As she applied her makeup, she heard shouting from the streets below. That was hardly unusual, but when she heard the clash of swords, she began to worry.


Sophiana let Lila pull the beautifully embroidered white dress down over her silken underwear, and examined her appearance in her mirror. She admired the way the high-necked blouse clung to her curves. She wished she could wear daring dresses that exposed her shoulders, and maybe even her cleavage, but she knew her parents would never allow it.

As Lila styles her hair, her reverie was broken by an odd noise from downstairs. “Go see what that is,” she ordered her maid.

For what seemed like a long time, she waited for Lila to return. The noises grew angrier, the sounds of fighting and the occasional scream. Finally, the maid came back, carefully closing the door behind her. She looked pale as she turned to Sophiana.

“The castle’s under attack! Barbarians, traitor soldiers, and worse! I think they’ve killed your father. We have to get you out of here!”

Sophiana froze, barely able to take in the enormity of what she’d just heard. In the ensuing silence, they heard footsteps outside – the heavy tread of armoured warriors, but with none of the respect with which her father’s loyal soldiers approached her room.


What do they do?

          Lila has a plan


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