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A Genie Gift | Meteorbeat | 1


You know, I'm not exactly sure if I'm lucky or I was cursed by the devil itself, now, don't take it wrong, I know this would be a wet dream for any guy or girl out there, I'm just saying that things have been really wild for some time and I don't have any time for rest since a couple of weeks ago.

Anyway, this whole story will sound like something out of a fantasy book, or maybe you would like to call the closest medical ward and lock me up for life, but I swear, everything that you are going to hear is nothing but the truth.

My name… nah, is not necessary, not like knowing my name is going to affect much what you think of me, so, besides that I'm somewhat tall thanks to both my parents DNA, not exactly chubby, I do sometimes remember to exercise and there is some muscle in my frame, but what am I saying? I feel like a patient talking with the doc.

So, let's start this already, okay? Now, you are probably wondering what this guy is rambling about, but let me tell you, is not exactly easy to start talking and walking the memory lane, I still need to put my mind in order, my mom always says to start thing from the beginning, something she loves to say to her clients, she is a lawyer, really good one at that, specializes in divorce settlements and lawyer jokes are banned from the house… you asking for my dad? The old man is a freelance writer for more than 20 years already, maybe you have read something of him, anyway, let's start this.

You see, I come from a family that has a tight knot with their roots, four generations ago my family arrived to America from Ireland and we keep communication with the 'clan' over there, they brought several heirlooms with them, one is a pendant with a lock in the middle it seems, nobody knows if there is a key or what it represents, my grandpa never said a thing about it but he gave it to my dad which in turn gave it to me to officially see me as an adult in the eyes of the 'clan' or so my family says.

It was a really beautiful pendant, not girly at all thankfully so I can wear it with my everyday clothes; it is not the Celtic cross, considering my family's story, but instead it has a combination of different tiny letters around it, I recognized a couple of them as Chinese, Arabic and Egyptian hieroglyphs, pretty cool; now, what is most strange in my mind is that people beside my family never ask about it, is like if they don't even see it, weird but nothing out of ordinary, that is until I figured out what was the deal with it that fateful day.

I am currently a senior in my local High School, Roadwright High, named after a late mayor who did a lot for the community something like 70 years ago or so they told us, not that I was very interested in the significance of the name; but it was fun, I wasn't exactly one of the popular ones, all that about the popularity food chain gets on your nerves the first year, so I opted for simply not bothering with it; I had my share of girlfriends, most of them are still friends of mine due to amicably break ups, I have my circle of friends, people like me who aren't interested in the stardom in the small pond that is high school.

All of them have dreams, nice bunch of guys, I think I repaid some favors I owned them with interest so far, and it was quite fun, but I'm on a tangent; okay, where was I? Oh yeah, about the social levels in school; I really do hate the stupid stereotypes that people brand on this whole building, take for instance some of the guys in the local football team, they are nice guys, some of them even have working brains, Arthur for example doesn't even need the school's scholarship or recommendation to get into college, the guy is a genius with math, and Julius (yeah, that's his name, his mother is an ancient history expert) is a very friendly guy.

Not that it doesn't mean the school is peaceful, oh no, that would be too boring; there are always rotten eggs in the basket as my mom once said; we have the rumor spreaders, royal bitches, queen bees, bullies, nerds, D&D role-players (they asked me once to participate, couldn't say no, specially with the lovely paladin in the team, although it is quite ironic since she is quite a goth, also one of my best friends), troublemakers, rebels, sluts, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, quite the world one lives in for four whole years; but it was one simple day, one moment that changed that simple world and put everything backwards, and I don't plan to change it.

It was so simple, I was right there in the park with some of my friends, some celebrating the last football match from the school, Julius made the touchdown himself to win against the school's so called 'nemesis', I think both school principals wanted that to happen so the school spirits could go up at that right moment to make people forget midterms and the stress that accompany them.

A couple of the football team arrived there in way to someone's party in celebration, like I told you, there are some nice guys in the team; we started talking, joking, congratulating them, they even brought a ball and were remaking some of the plays, and Taylor, one of my buddies, was talking like a football commentator, it was fun, then one of the guys in the football team took the ball and threw a pass to Julius, he went back and easily caught it, sadly he was standing right in the street.

What happened next was bad or good luck, I'm not quite sure so far, but I know this, one idiot was driving a car, lights off, he was too drunk apparently and forgot all about them, I don't remember how fast I was but I pushed Julius out of the way and in that one last second I saw a light and the sound of something shattering.


Is over? No... open your eyes.

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