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Miss Identified | dayeandknight | 19


After a bit of searching you find the door to the basement then cautiously open it. Looking around, you are unable to find a light switch so you grab a banister and begin your descent. The wooden steps creak under your weight as you take careful steps into the darkened basement. You make it to the bottom without a problem but keep a firm grip on the railing while trying to make out anything in the shadows.

As if reading your mind, the room begins to hum and a faint glow appears above you. The fluorescent bulbs slowly reveal a room with a bunch of bulky objects covered by white sheets. There appears to be a large work bench with a wall covered in tools and what looks like unfinished robotic arms propped against a wall. There's even a big table with a bunch of beakers, test tubes, and everything else you'd come to expect from a mad scientist lab, next to a refrigerator. Cautiously you investigate the room and come to the conclusion that these large objects must have been former projects that Sara had been working on at one point or another.

Its then that you spot a computer on the table with the beakers as the monitor comes to life. You sit down in a chair and wait for the computer to finish booting up. When it looks like its done, you start clicking away in hopes that you might be able to find some kind of shut down program for CARA. Sadly, the computer isn't very user friendly. You end up clicking on something that you think might help but all it does is turn on something under one of the sheets. CARA, perhaps thinking that this is what you want to work on, removes the white sheet. Under the sheet looks to be a water cooler.

“CARA, what is this?”

*It is a water cooler, Sara.*

“Yea, I got that, but why is it down here?”

*I do not know.*

You really should know better by now, but you grab an empty glass near the beakers, place it under the nozzle, then reach out and press down the blue tap for cold water. What comes out is anything but cold as steam and hot water sprays out. You jump back to avoid the splash. The glass tumbles to the ground and shatters on impact.

“Well, I guess that's why its down here.” you remark as CARA begin cleaning up the mess.

*You appear to be having trouble getting your drink, I shall assist you.* Nothing good can come from this, you realize, as CARA begins the same processes you just finish. CARA pours a glass filled with the hot water then presents it to you, noticing your hesitation the glass flys to your mouth before you can back away. Scolding water meets your lips as well as the tip of your tongue and you jump back from the pain and yelp.

*Sara, you've burned yourself.*

*Medical Procedure Commencing*

CARA quickly opens the fridge and takes an ice pack then wraps it in a cloth which then finds its way to your lips. The pain from the burn subsides a bit as another arm provides what looks to be some kind of cream. A dab of it is scooped up and spread on your sensitive lips. Any pain quickly fades away as you are left there with slighty swelling, pouty lips.

*Medical Procedure Complete*


Can it get any worse?

          Jason shows up and you need to look your best


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