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Somewhere else. | latexdoll | 8


Thinking it over, he will most likely be in the castle like northern ward, as he seemed to be some kind of noble, but not exactly. You figure your best bet is to wait till nightfall, find a way in, and see what you can find out by either bribing someone, or using your, heh, feminine wiles. That said, with a couple hours to kill you might as well see if you can find something cool to spend your money on. Strolling down the street taking in the sights and smells of this world with your emotions now leaping around wildly from joy to sadness as various things remind you of your former life. “Stop thinking like that, live in the moment.” You tell yourself as you step into a little shop named, “Clydes Curiosities.” Knowing that if any of the old rpg’s, or movies got anything right it just might sell something magic, considering you have already heard that your gloves are magic.

Walking in your nose is assaulted by a wide array of aromas some quite pleasant, while the overwhelming mix is rather musty. Not quite what you had hoped for, you see all kinds of herbs, bottles of unknown liquid, and odd looking packs that look a bit like a large bandage. Stepping up to the counter at the right side of the shop you finally see whom you assume is Clyde sitting on a low stool leaning against the wall. He is a rather average looking man in his early fifties, you would guess, with curly white hair, a short beard, and wearing a pair of brown breeches, low boots, and an off white tunic that has a very wide neck that ties closed up to give it a more clean neckline. “Hello, you must be Clyde.” You call to him with a smile.

He sits up rather quickly revealing he may have been asleep, or at least daydreaming. “Yes, that is me, what do you want?”

“Well, actually I was looking for some cool magic items. Other than that I guess I don’t know.”

He mutters something and you see his eyes flash with a bit of blue light, he then seems to look you over rather intently for a few minutes before he finally says, “Aah, I see you have some items already. Well if you have enough money for what you have, perhaps you can afford some of my nicer wares. Come with me.” He walks past you to the door and pulls the bar down on the door, locking it. “So no one robs me while we are downstairs.” He then waves for you to follow him as he makes his way to the back of the building, through a door concealed to look like a rack of spices, and down an old stone staircase. Once you are in the basement he looks at you and asks, “How much money do you have?”

For a second you are not sure if you can trust this man, but looking around you figure if he has run a shop like this for as long as you guess, he must either be a master thief, or honest enough not to be run out of town. “Well, I have about 40 gold and these.” Pulling out the 5 amethysts as you say it.

“Let me see one of those.” He demands, and you hand him one. He looks it over for a few seconds before speaking again, “Very nice, I suppose I would give you 100 gold for each of them. You can’t afford most of what I have, but I do have a few things if you are interested. Wait here I will get them from the vault.” He then walks right through the wall in front of you. A few moments later he returns with a hand full of small objects. Handing each to you for you to inspect he tells you their powers. “This is a potion that will cure any injury, I have 3 total, they go for 50 gold each. I noticed you used guns, I have 20 bullets that burst with acid on impact, I would let you take all 20 for 100 gold. I also have a sword that is very similar to yours actually, it can kill things that are not hurt by normal weapons, but other than that it isn’t all that powerful, I would let it go for 200 gold. Last I have this belt, it has 4 hidden pockets that can each hold 10 lbs in an extra dimensional space so it weighs no more that a normal leather belt, and pocket makes the item you reach for on top, so to speak, when you reach for it, I suppose I would let it go for 120 gold. So what do you want?”

Looking over all of them you realize you kinda want them all, they all sound so cool. “Any kind of discount if I wanted everything?”

“Everything, hmm, that would be 570 gold eeh?” He seems to be considering it, and you give him your nicest warmest smile, trying the, “I am cute give me stuff” method of bartering. Finally he makes a decision, “Well I don’t usually do that, but I suppose if you give me all 5 of the gems, and your sword, I could be convinced, but only if you do a little something for me.”

Instantly the image of you bobbing up and down on his cock flashes in your mind, but you refrain from saying anything that might spoil the deal, “And what might that be?”

“Just over 200 miles from here to the south, in the Moab desert, is the city of Greenstone. I need someone to take my sister a message, and it seems with the recent rash of slavers in the area no one will take the job.” He reads the concern on your face and after frowning he adds, “Fine 4 of the gems and deliver the message and they are yours.”


Take the deal?

          Of course.


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