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Adventures of the Silver Wolves | wolfstar143 | 10


Suddenly there was another knock at the door, Lance lifted himself off Natasha as she quickly tied covered herself and with her garb and moved to the back of the door. “Who is it,” Lance questioned with a bit of irritation, “Just open the door Lance, you and your little friend can get back to your fun later.” The voice seemed female and unlike any voice of the group he has already met.

Lance shifts his body to begin to open the door and finds the cloaked figure before him. “Who are you, and how do you know my name?” Natasha quickly reaches for the sword and moves behind the cloaked figure holding the sword behind her back. Lance noticed she moved at a speed a lot faster then when they sparred was taken back, but before he could get his bearings together Natasha speaks, “I suggest you start answering some questions unless you want me to gut the answers out of you.” The cloaked woman begins to chuckle for a second but then lifts up her hood. “I am a very patient woman but if your friend here doesn’t remove your blade from my body I will kill her.” She was a woman of dark beauty her raven hair mixed with highlights of fiery red cover a ravishing but unnaturally flawless gothic beauty. Natasha begins to respond when the woman’s eyes begin to glow, Lance realizing how bad this may end calls Natasha to his side. “The raven haired woman replaces her cloak and steps into the room. Lance swallows deeply but steps toward the dark woman, “Ok, I don’t want this situation getting out of hand, just answer this one question…who are you?” She moves towards the window and finally removes her cloak revealing a long but curvaceous figure covered in long emerald coat. “I am Sarah, but before I give you my life story let me explain why I had to interrupt your fun, I enjoy a little romp myself but you might want to take a look at our newest member.” She calmly strolls out of the door with the two sharing a look of absolute confusion following her out and down the stairs to see a large burly black man laughing heartily while Silver and Emily exchanged childish insults back and forth at each other. The man took another sip of the apple cider and looked up to Emily “Thank you, young maiden this is very good cider…my compliments.” He looks up and noticed the three onlookers staring back at him. “I apologize if I have awakened anyone it has been many a year since I have felt welcomed somewhere.”

Lance now had another puzzle to crack, the suspicious blond assassin, the dark mysterious raven haired sorceress, and now this man. He stands up and begins to approach the group which all shifts into a defensive stance. “Hold on there friends,” the large man takes a step back and raises his hands in a comical gesture of surrender, “what’s with all the seriousness?” While stepping back he catches his foot on a chair leg and almost falls over. In a laugh almost seemingly unaware of the danger he was in he speaks again. “Don’t scare me like that…” he laughs again, “I’m sorry but I am very clumsy.” Natasha and Lance begin lowering there weapons and move to sit at the table but Sarah moves to the bar placing her body between the two young travelers and the new arrival. Lance smiles and looks to the man, “what the hell, what’re ya drinking I’ll have one.” He gestures to Emily who smiles and pours him a drink, then skips to the table setting the drink in front of him.

“Bottoms up,” he grabs the cup never taking his eyes off the man and drinks. “This is just plain apple cider; I thought you would be drinking something a bit stronger.” The man laughs again, “I can barely keep my balance sober,” his voice isn’t booming or uncoordinated but deep and educated, “if I drank I’d probably fall all over and I wouldn’t want to destroy the proud warrior and pretty ladies place now.” Lance and the man exchange a laugh of agreement and Natasha even seems to lower her guard on the man. Sarah turns to the children and nudges them upstairs, Silver begins to challenge but then nods his head and him and Emily begin there stroll upstairs. When Silver reaches the top he turns to the group and in his best official voice. “Everyone we will begin at dawn we are the Silver Wolves,” Lance and the new man both raise there cups to the young boy in agreement. When Silver and Emily finally make it to there room Lance turns to the massive man as he is taking another giant gulp of the cider. “So I think it’s time we all get to know each other and find out why we’re all here.” The large man nods his head in agreement. Lance looks over to Natasha then Sarah and then sighs, “Since no one wants to start I guess I will, my name is,” Before he could finish Sarah silences him, “As interesting as your life of barroom brawls and jail visits may be there is someone in this room that thinks we are fools.” Natasha quickly turns to face her scowling, “yeah? Well I have yet to hear your life story either, so since you have so much to say maybe you should,” Sarah begins to shake her head. “My god, I hope your dagger isn’t as slow as your wit because if that’s the case you and the halfwit tool of a sex partner will be dead before we make it out of the village.” Her eyes never leave the large man that seems to look more focused on drinking the apple cider then listening to the conversation.

Lance looks over to the man and begins, “you know I never really did ask your name,” the man sets the drink down and quickly begins to answer, “my name is Darros, I spent a lot of my time working in the fields outside of Alvaory when I heard of this group, instead of seeing a bunch of shady money hungry men all preparing to sack, pillage, and kill I came across this boy and his female companion. They want to go into the Forest of Ivy Lake and since I am already on my way there I figure I’d help keep them safe along the way.” Lance smiles, “you see Sarah he’s a good guy, why don’t you relax a bit.” Sarah’s face doesn’t change, “what is your business in the forest?” He looks up, “that my dear friend is my battle; I don’t want you all getting involved in my fight. Besides I will make sure the quest I have signed to help accomplish is complete before heading on my own.” Sarah’s face starts to show signs of understanding and respect. “I believe you for now but don’t for a second believe you are safe around me, you are no mere warrior and no where near the clumsy buffoon you seem to want everyone to take you for.” Natasha looks over at Sarah still a bit upset about the disrespect Sarah has shown her since they met. “If anyone should be going through the interrogation it is you,” Sarah looks to Natasha and smiles, the smile seemed genuine but it left the entire group baffled by the sudden change in demeanor. “I apologies for being so direct with you two but I am a very serious person when I feel something is wrong. What would you like to know?” Natasha still puzzled expecting a more argumentative and aggressive tone stops for a second and finally begins. “Who are you? where are you from? And how did you get your power?” Sarah removes her cloak and begins to walk over to the table sitting next to the man that not minutes before she just interrogated. “My name is Sarothia but I’d rather you call me Sarah. I was born from a clash between a human warlock and a succubus, they both died during the clash so I was found on the side of the road and raised by a farmer named Todias. One day on my nineteenth birthday my father was raped and killed by my mother’s sister Serana as she looked to see if I still was alive. Last I heard my aunt has risen again from a witch hoping to put a sex spell on her rival. So far as I know she is still under control of the witch but is slowly gaining her freedom. If she is uncontained she will release a lustful fury upon this world unmatched by any empire.”

Natasha looks at Sarah again, “what does this have to do with the journey?” Sarah answers, “the witch resides on the east bank of Ivy Lake. This is why I need Lance here to make the journey alive because you are the exact type the witch will appear herself too, she is an incredibly sexual being and you will definitely be her target.” Lance swallows and Darros begins a hearty laugh. “You seem to be quite the ladies man,” Darros begins “I guess me not being very attractive to women keeps me protected.” He laughs and takes another gulp. Sarah smiles and lays her head against his arm, “quite the contrary my massive friend. Though Lance here will be great entertainment for the witch, you are perfect for the succubus.” The man begins to speak but Lance quickly silences him, “how would you believe the witch would come after me?” Sarah smiles again, “the witch is from the Order of Satool,” Natasha’s eyes widen in a look of absolute fear. “The order of Satool?"


Who is this Order of Satool


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