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Vacation With Your Best Friend | gunde | 9


“, I’m not entirely sure that I want our first time to involve a carnie walking in on us,” you announce.

“Our first time?” lights up and then forms her lips into a naughty smile, “you think you’re going to get lucky today, don’t you?”

“Yeah, well, telling me that you’ve spent the last year missing me and that you’ve been planning to seduce me probably wasn’t the best tactic if you wanted me to chase after you,” you tease her back.

A brief, comfortable silence follows, disturbed only by the contented chuckle that lets out about halfway through it, before you finally decide to break it by trying to convey your sentiments to her a little better.

“Look, ,” you begin, taking her hand in yours, “I’ve waited for this moment for like the best part of my life, so I can wait another couple of minutes…”

“Okay…” responds with a wide smile, as every reference to how you’ve spent years wanting her seems to make her heart flutter.

“And if it’s alright with you, I really want our first time, if you allow me to get that far,” you offer her an impish smile before continuing, “to be special and not rushed or anything.”

“…” interrupts you and leans in to plant a soft kiss on your cheek before whispering “just get me back to the hotel” in your ear.
It’s really all the motivation that you need to more or less fly up onto your feet, and you once more offer her your hand.

“You’re such a gentleman,” grins at you as she accepts your hand and lets you help her up, at which point she surprises you by slipping out from between your fingers and hurrying to wrap her arm around your waist.

You were sort of expecting that the two of you would hold hands as you headed back to the hotel, but this is definitely an acceptable alternative, and once you’ve put your arm behind her shoulders, leans in for another kiss on your cheek.

Narrowing your eyes at the feel of her lips against your skin, the sensation of having her tease it with the tip of her tongue is what finally drives you to turn your head so that you can slip your tongue into her mouth, with ’s reaction to that being to push herself closer to your side while her other hand comes forth to gently stroke your stomach.

“So,” you say as the two of you are walking back towards the hotel, continuously torn between moving fast in an effort to get there as quickly as possible and moving more slowly so that you can maintain your embrace, “were you always planning to be that direct in your seduction of me?”

“Well, do you remember back in high school how you would always bitch and moan about how girls would always make it so hard for you to tell if they were interested in you or not, and that you would love if it if one of them would just stop all that and make it absolutely clear to you that she wanted you? Because that’s what kept popping up in my head as I tried to figure out how to get you,” explains.

“Yeah… funnily enough,” you cringe as ’s words causes you to recall the stupidity of your younger self, “I said those things in an attempt to provoke you into showing me whether you liked me or not.”

“Great plan, Romeo,” chides you, but then giggles and kisses your jaw.

The hotel lobby is pretty abandoned as the two of you stroll through it, and there’s only you and in the elevator that you step into, with her holding your hand and looking straight ahead as you lean in and hit the button reading “17”.
But as soon as the doors close, pretty much throws herself at you and pushes you up against the innermost wall as her tongue is thrust into your mouth and her hands come sliding down your sides.

You rapidly move to reciprocate her kiss, and your hands grab hold of her ass and fondle it through her cut-offs as the elevator climbs up towards floor seventeen.

Moments later, it’s now whose pinned against the wall while the two of you continued to dart your tongues into each other’s mouths, though now its her who’s got her hands firmly planted on your ass while you slip one of yours in under the grey top which has left her midriff exposed to you all day, while your shirt is already lying on the floor, having slipped off her shoulders during your tangled rush towards the wall.

The bra that is wearing is thin enough that you can easily find her nipple, and while you certainly wouldn’t have voiced any dissent if had been the first girl you’d ever been with, the fact is that there having been other girls before her means that you at least know that you can’t treat her nipple like you would the tuner on a radio, and so it is with soft, delicate touches that you move your fingers around the hardened bud.

Moaning into your mouth at the way in which you’re teasing her nipple, soon has her hands thrust in underneath the back of your jeans and her fingers push your boxers in front of them until they’re no longer covering the top-half of your ass while she thrusts herself closer to you.

It’s starting to seem as though your first time with will be in an elevator when a loud “Pling!” along with the red numerals above the doors reading “17” announces that you’ve reached your floor.


What’s next?

          From the elevator to your bed


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