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Big Man on Campus | Vanadiel | 6


I decide to hang around and play beer pong with the guys. It's me and Joe versus Derek the douchebag and some other idiot named Skylar or some stupid shit. Like Derek, he resembles a douchebag. I find out that Joe's a pretty cool guy overall and definitely not a douchebag. Gabriella sits down on the couch on Derek's side with some skanky looking blonde chick.

Derek starts by sinking a few shots, making me and Joe drink a few times. Then I also get in a rhythm, using my basketball experience. Even Joe pitches in by making some shots, but Skylar is absolutely fucking useless. I can tell Douchebag Derek is getting pissed off at him.

Near the end, Joe and I have two cups left and Derek has only one. I miss my shot, and Derek sinks his. I drink the beer, leaving Joe the opportunity to win it. Of course he doesn't, which gives Derek one last chance.

"Hey, Gabby," he calls. "Want to watch me win this shit?" Gabriella looks only vaguely interested and stands up to watch. Derek takes his shot and barely misses. "FUCK!" he yells.

Then it's my turn. "Hey, Gabby, want to watch a real baller win this shit?" I toss the ball and land it directly in the cup. Skylar picks it up and drinks, and Derek loses his mind.

"Fuck this asshole!" he says, pointing to Skylar. "Fucker lost me the game! I want a fucking rematch!"

"Yo, chill out, bro," I say, trying to calm him down. "It's just a game."

"Just a game to you, asshole!" he says. "Rematch, me and you right now, hot shot!"

I glance over at Gabriella and see that she doesn't like Derek's asshole behavior. Maybe showing him up again and proving what an idiot he is will bring her over to my side. "Let's go then," I tell him. Joe sets up the game for us.

We're both off our games at the start. But then Derek goes on a hot streak, leaving me with only one cup to his four. I'm getting nervous, not wanting to get shown up by this douchebag. I glance over and see Gabriella standing over at the side of the table, watching me. She's almost over on my side of the table. I bet she's even rooting for me to show up this idiot, so I can't let her down.

"You ready to give up yet, superstar?" Derek asks me.

"Hell no." I hit my next shot. Derek misses. And so on until we both only have one cup remaining, my shot. I sink the shot and Derek again loses his mind, swearing like crazy and acting like a baby.

"Hey, good game, man," I say, trying to offer him my hand.

"Fuck you, asshole," he says, brushing me off.

"Someone's a sore loser," I say, glancing at Gabriella. She looks kinda pissed.

"Come on, Gabby, let's leave," Derek says, walking over to her and taking hold of her arm. She instantly swats him away.

"You're acting like a jerk. I'll walk back myself."

"Fine, be a bitch," he says, storming out of the room.

"I don't think I'm going to invite him next time," Joe says to me.

"Good idea. Hey, great party, Joe, hit me up next time," I say. Joe's a cool dude.

"Thanks, man, I will," Joe says as he starts to put the stuff away.

Gabriella still looks pissed and sad, so I walk over to her to comfort her. "Hey, forget about that guy. I'll walk you back to your place." I place my hand on her arm gently.

"Thanks, , that's nice of you," she says, and we begin walking toward the exit.

Together we leave the room. As soon as we get outside, she turns to me. "I don't really want to go to my room yet. Let's go for a walk."

"Hey, that's cool," I say to her. "Where do you want to go?"

"I don't know," she replies. "Just around somewhere."


Where do I take Gabriella?

          To my apartment


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