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The Fall of Athenapolis | kiahoga | 14


The rumbling in your belly speaking quite loudly decided what you do. Picking up a couple loaves of sweet bread, you hunch down behind a large vessel of water and start to eat well for the first time in a couple of days.
After a couple minutes you hear movement coming from the Hallway.

“Where is he?” You hear Lady Clymene’s voice echo from the hall.

Several moments later you're surprised when Lady Clymene, dressed far more simply than usual, Followed by two females you recognize as fellow slaves enter the room.

“Quickly, you two sluts. We need to be away before the mercenaries reach the district.” You tormentor orders as she starts to shove fruit into a satchel.

Just looking at her takes you back to the day you first met her.

“Make sure my new whore is ready, my guests will arrive soon.” You hear, and opening your eyes you watch the disgusting lout who was now your master bark an order.

Without further concern he leaves and you look at the older woman he was ordering. The older woman at one time was quite a beauty, and she shook he head giving you a sad look.

“Oh my dear, I feared the master would put you to hard use.” She said walking over to bed.

Incredibly sore, you fold your legs under you sitting up, “Why?” You asked simply.

“Don’t know why but ever since news of your capture arrived in the city the master was gathering money to purchase you.” She replied handing you a towel “Here, take this and I’ll take you to where you can clean up a little. We will have to hurry or the master will be angry.”

“Thank you.” You say, Pulling it over your head.

“No need to thank me child, I’m a slave same as you. I’m Hilda, the master's head slave, and as long as you do what’s asked of you when asked, you and I will get along fine.” She says.

The two of you leave the room going to a bathing room where you quickly bathe. While cleaning yourself Hilde gives you your instructions. When you meet the master and his guests with him you were to kneel at his feet making sure not to look at anyone directly unless ordered. Barely in time you finish cleaning your dried blood and seed from your body when a bell sounds. Leading you to the master's sitting room Hilde reminds you to do what your told.

Entering the sitting room, you study your master's guests, while making sure to not look directly at them, The man was fairly tall and sported a finely groomed goatee, he was handsome but had a effeminate look about him. The woman was dressed in very fine white silk. She was not young but she was quite beautiful with a haughty air about her. Sitting down as instructed your master begins to stroke your head as if you were a prized bitch, inwardly causing you to rage.

“So, what brings so august a person as Rastos of Minos to my humble abode.” You master asks rhetorically.

“I was wondering what your plans for this slave were, Nieander.” Rastos asked.

“Why? Are you mad that I outbid you at the block,” Your master gloats.

Sitting back in his chair a smile plays about Rastos face. “Nieander, I spend more on a week end party than you make in a year of trading. I confess that I was surprised that you would pay more for a single slave than a whole caravan normally goes for. So I’m here out of curiosity, and perhaps we can do business.”

“Why would I pay so much? Revenge of course” You master growls, his hand tightening in your hair so much that a gasp of pain is wrung from your throat.

“I was ran out of Heliopolis by her mother, two steps ahead of an execution and since then I’ve biding my time.” Your master grunts out.

“Ahh revenge, that explains it. So now that you own Ekaterina’s daughter what do you plan to do with her. I mean you’ve taken her virginity ruining her mothers plans for her, what’s next? Do you plan on breeding her?” Rastos asks.

You master swings his arm knocking you to the floor, “What!? I'd sooner slit my own throat that beget any spawn on that slut; she was given a draught as soon as she arrived.” You master says angrily jumping to his feet.

“Well old boy, you’ve clearly not thought this out more.” Rastos pauses. “You’ve taken her maidenhead, why don’t you sell her to me?”

Your master looks down at his guest, “And why would a man who’s well known for his love of boys want with so prime a piece of girlflesh.”

Rastos takes a sip of wine. “I have many friends and business associates who don’t share my appetites. I’m also a man who prides himself on having the best stable on all of Athenapolis, and Clymene assures me with some training this slave could be my crowning jewel.”

“And if I was considering this, what would be your offer.” You master asks, sitting back down.

Rastos looks down at you where you are on the floor looking at you as if you were livestock. “I'll give you 500 as well as the goodwill of the House of Minos” Rostos offers.

“But I paid 900 for her” You master counters.

“And we both know that you won't get anywhere near that now that this slave has been mounted for her first time.” Rastos counters. “Will you do it or not? I have other business to see to today.”

After a minute or two your master says “Very well 500 and the slut is yours.”


One of the slaves drops a clay vessel bringing you back to the present. Clymene is ranting again.

“I will strip the hide off that boy. Can't he even retrieve a single slave by himself.” She complains loudly to herself.

You watch as Lady Clymene and the slaves stuff food into satchels. Immestra one of the other pleasure slaves picks up an empty bladder and walks over to the container your hiding behind. You see her eyes widen and she gasps at seeing you crouched behind the vessel of water


What Next

          Negotiations, in an odd way


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