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Lara Croft - Search for Adam's Seed | SparkyMan | 1


Lara Croft sat in the large, plush chair, warming herself by the roaring fire. She grasped the large red book close to her chest as she nestled into a comfortable position. She looked around the room, admiring her vast array of artifacts she had obtained on many an adventure, realizing that she yearned more for the adventure, than she did for the artifacts. The large book she currently held close contained details of what would become her next, and maybe last, adventure.

She knew all about the perils that existed, if she were to undertake the tasks outlined in the book. But the intrigue of the unknown and thrill of the unexpected drove her nearer to her ultimate decision. What inspired Lara even more so this time, was the end result of her quest. With it would come a revitalization of her body to the way it was on her twenty-first birthday, along with imminent immortality.

According to the legend, during the early Polynesian reign, an "unknown visitor fell from the sky". The visitor was extremely knowledgeable of "all things", including how to please women. The visitor roamed through the villages, mating with all the virgin women he came across, causing each one to bear a child. The elders were enraged by such behavior, and sent tribes of hunters to search him out. He was caught and brought before the chief elders, who ordered him burned at the stake, during the next full moon. All the villages convened to observe the event, including the thirteen pregnant maidens. It was the chief's decision to allow them to witness the burning, and then send them into exile, never to be seen or heard from again.

The night of the full moon, blackness fell upon the earth, except for the light that shone from the moon. The earth below contained an eerie orange glow that emanated from the roaring pyre that the tribes had created. Bound and shackled, the visitor was carried from his confines to the fire. Before being thrown into the fire, it is told, that the young man spoke to the crowd. "It is I, who came from above, to help multiply across the lands. Your deeds have been predetermined, as well as my fate. Fear not for what you do, it is expected. What you know not, is where I come from. That is of no concern, yet rest assured, I come from above." He looked directly at the thirteen beauties before him, and continued. "To each of you I have given a piece of me. I ask that when I leave, you each take a piece of me. Teach your children wisely, and guard your possessions wisely. There will come a time when I shall return. Your children's children shall each inherit the lands along with the fruits and bounties associated with those lands. One of your descendants will possess the means for expediting my return. Upon my return, that lady will inherit my knowledge and live with me eternally."

The chief had heard enough and ordered him thrown into the fire. He was hoisted into the air and thrust towards the fire. Before he even hit the flames, his body froze rigid and hovered just above the flames. The villagers looked on in awe as his body changed colors in the glowing amber light. As his body changed to a bright green color, he began to crystallize. The body turned to a bright green gem before slowly descending into the flames. Immediately, there was an explosion of great magnitude that it blew out the great fire. All the villagers stepped back in fright, except for the thirteen ladies who remained frozen in their spots. The black sky cleared up and the stars filled the sky. The night was filled with light. At the feet of each maiden lay a glowing green stone. Each piece was a piece from the man's body. There were two feet, two shins, two thighs, two arms, a torso, and a head. The three ladies in the middle, the first three that he had taken, had in front of them what represented a left and right testicle, along with his prized possession, his rigid rod.

The ladies waited for the glowing to subside from the artifacts before picking it up. This only enraged the chief even more, so he immediately ordered the ladies escorted to the limits of the village, and cast out into the wilderness.

Lara was startled from her daydream by the silver-haired butler, Devon. He always looked after Lara, and her palatial estate. He offered her, her early evening tea. Lara thanked him and dismissed him for the night. She opened the red velvet cover of the book, and read the scribbling on the pages. Some have claimed that the "visitor" was Adam, the first man to roam the earth. Lara flipped through some more pages, till she found what she was looking for. If she understood the cryptic writing correctly, she assumed that the "chosen one" would understand the task of gathering up the pieces and reassembling them, facilitating the return of Adam. If she, Lara Croft, artifact connoisseur and adventurer extraordinaire, was the chosen one to do so, she would gain immortality.

Lara read further, finding cryptic writings of green stones, which looked like body parts, being scattered throughout various regions of the world. Each of these stones was heavily guarded, and shrouded in mystery. It is rumored, that in order to obtain these stones, one must, find it, bypass all the guards and traps, and avoid being killed; but they must also participate in a sexual ritual dedicated to the original holder of the artifact. It has been written that several women have tried to obtain these artifacts, and have died during the rituals. It is unknown what the rituals entail. Legend states, that there is a golden scroll near each sacrificial altar, detailing what the ritual shall entail.

Lara flipped to the back of the book, a book that her father told her to keep close. He told her to not pursue the contents, till she was a mature woman. It belonged to her mother, and her mother before her. As far as Lara's father knew, it had been handed down many generations. In the back of the book was a small key, which Lara had studied for several years. It wasn't until recently, that Lara discovered that the ornate drawing on the key resembled the delta of the Nile River.


What is the key to?

          Her mother's locket


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