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The Arch-Magi's Assistant | darkblaze012 | 2


A nineteen year old mage apprentice stared back at you. In your reflection, you critically observe your medium length, straight cut black hair, pale skin, and slightly skinny figure and think 'I should really work out more... and go outside some...'

However, the life of a mage apprentice rarely allowed for much exercise (outside of the energies of the mystic) or sunshine. Ever since your magical ability was discovered at the age of seven, you've spent all your years in the Caliriune Cluster of Magic, hidden away from the world.

Over your time as a mage, you've learned to specialize in Spirit magic; that is, the energies that churn within the very being of life itself. Using such magic, you could give hope to the hopeless, demoralize the unjust, fatigue the strong, and even raise spirits from the grave to aid you in battle.

But for now, you are a lowly assistant in an Arch-Magi's shop, dutifully sweeping the floors, daydreaming about going on a miraculous adventure...

{Ding, ding}

You looked up at the sound of the front door's bell - in walked a rather harried looking woman. She had long brown hair, an average-type figure, sky blue eyes, and an aura of desperation about her.

"Excuse me, sorry," she gasped, leaning heavily on the counter, small beads of sweat forming on her forehead. "Is Master Ignoti here? I am in urgent need of his services!"

"Master Ignoti has gone for the week, but I can assist you, Miss...," you try to assure her, smiling for her benefit. She looks crestfallen at the news and looks frantically around the shop.

"Oh no, that's so not good! Oh, what will Darron think of me?! Oh no, oh no, oh no!"

"Miss, miss, calm down, please," you implore, hoping to avoid her accidentally breaking some of the objects near her waving arms. "Please, tell me what you need and I'll do my best to help you!"

She looked back at you, face red and the beginnings of tears in her eyes, "I need Master Ignoti. Darron promised to take me to Lord Maclaren's Winter Ball today, and I am not nearly prepared! I need a magnificent gown of gold and silver, a diamond necklace, a hair straightner solution, and eye sparkle - all done before nightfall!"

You have to help her - she seemed so upset that you couldn't say no, despite your limited knowledge in Creation magic.

"Miss, I promise, I will do my absolute best to get you what you need for the Ball," you smile, relieved to see her calming down a little. "I am a mage apprentice to Master Ignoti, and I think we can get you ready in time."

"Really, you're Master Ignoti's apprentice? Well, thank you so much, sir! My name is Isabella!"

"Hello Isabella," you bow over her hand. "I am . Now, let's see what I can do for you..."

You considered the various possible magical catalysts and reference books. The books were useless to you, however - all were warded against you and in languages you couldn't understand.

You'd have to wing it.


What do you try?

          Option One


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