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Kim Possible can do anything... even get pregnant | vic_elor | 8


“Those crocodile tears aren’t going to get you out of it this time KP so you may as well stop.” Ron says harshly, “I’ve really missed you this last week and I was ready to apologize for overreacted to you getting pregnant by someone else. I was even ready to take you back and tell everyone it was our baby.”

“You’ll do that for me Ron?” Kim asked as her tears turned to sniffles.

“No Kim, weren’t you just listening. I said I WAS ready to do all that but then you went and did this. Instead of just apologizing and promising to be faithful you decided to bribe me? KP, what the hell were you thinking? I love you but I can’t even look at you right now.” Ron says as he turns his back to Kim.

“Ron, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for this to look like I was trying to bribe you or buy your love. I was just hoping that if I did all this for you it would show how sorry I was and how much I need you. But instead I just made things worse!” Kim moaned as her sniffles returned to tears.

“Yeah, you totally did.”

“Ron, please just tell me what I need to do to prove myself to you. I’ll do anything just name it!” Kim pleads as she falls to her knees and clasps her hands together.


Is there something Kim can do?

          Let Ron add Yori to their love life.

          Kim offers to be Ron's "love slave"


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