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The Politician's Wife | SparkyMan | 1


"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Cyndi McAllister was cursing to herself as she pulled the car off, onto the shoulder of the road. Flashing blue and red lights illuminated the inside of her car. The bright white light that now shone in her rear view mirrors blinded her.

Cyndi had been celebrating her husband's recent election as the next governor. She had been out with a bunch of her friends, and had "tied one on"! She knew she was drunk! She knew she shouldn't be driving. But hell, she was the governor elect's wife!

Cyndi watched the shadowy figure approach the car, the bright light shining around his body. She rolled down the window to greet the officer. "Uh... Hi... W-w-what c-can I do for you?" she stammered.

"License, registration, and insurance please!" The deep voice reverberated through the cool, crisp air of the night. Officer Legowski cautiously eyed the beautiful blonde sitting behind the wheel. From where he stood, he could see an abundant swell of creamy white flesh spilling out of a low-cut, tight fitting blouse. As the blonde reached for the glove compartment, he also eyed her long bare legs all the way up to the hem of her skirt, which was now dangerously close to exposing her ass. He caught himself imagining what he could do to that fine ass, as she was handing him the papers he ordered.

Cyndi nervously gathered the papers. When she turned to the officer, for some strange reason, she found herself staring at his crotch, rather than his face. There was a nice bulge showing there, and a fleeting thought quickly flashed through her mind. She pushed the image, and the thought, to the back of her mind, yet filed it for future recollection! "Here you go s-s-shir!"... "Damn! " she thought to herself, "I'm slurring my words, and I can't help it!" She smiled and tried to put on her best charm.

"Seems like you were swerving a little too much, Miss...." he looked at the license, "McAllister. I thought you might be having car problems!" He looked her in the eyes to gauge her reaction, or to see if she would offer up some more slurring conversation. She offered none. He stepped back from the car, "Could you please step out of the vehicle and make your way to the back of the car?"

It seemed more of an order than a question! Cyndi didn't want to get out! She considered telling the officer who she was! Maybe he would let her off, she thought. But then again, this could turn into a big political scandal, and ruin her husband's career... before it even got started! Shaking hands reached for the door and opened it wide. Cyndi, first, swung one bare leg, then the next, out of the car and onto the ground.

Mike Legowski watched the wobbling form walk across the gravel, perched atop four-inch heels. Her overall beauty took him in. She stood nearly six feet tall, all legs, slim waist, bountiful breasts, beautiful face, and long blonde hair that cascaded halfway down her back. He could only imagine what was packed under the tight fitting blouse, and short skirt. He shook himself out of his reverie and applied the standard sobriety tests to Cyndi.

Cyndi stumbled to the back of the car and leaned against the trunk. She slowly raised her head from the gravel she was treading on ever so carefully. Her eyes began at the shiny shoes that the officer was wearing. She slowly raised her eyes, looking at the obvious bulge in his crotch. She felt a warmness envelop her body! Catching herself staring, she raised her eyes higher, and was captivated by the triangle-like appearance that he had. He stood taller than she, probably about six-five she figured, very wide shoulders, and very large arms. They were the kinds of arms one would imagine beach-bunnies hanging off of.

She tried hard to concentrate on the sobriety tests the officer was giving her. She failed each and every one! She knew it! She had been told to return to the car and sit there, until he came back! As Cyndi sat there, she wondered if she couldn't concentrate because of the alcohol, or because of the effect the officer had on her! She was thoroughly confused! She was a happily married woman! She was the governor elect's wife! She was... She was... She was attracted to Officer Legowski!

She looked in the mirror and saw the familiar shadowy figure approaching the car again. She drew in a deep breath, awaiting his verdict. The sharp breath caused her breasts to swell and push against the tight black blouse she was wearing...


Does he ticket her/arrest her/ let her go...??

          Warning... this time.

          Run her in!

          Take her home!

          Take her!


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