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Mass Effect: Mission X | darkblaze012 | 2


I found Liara training her biotic ablities in the hanger bay - her Push ability has really become rather impressive; several crates launched themselves against the back wall as her target was obliterated.

"Shepard," she said, startled to see me. "What are you doing down here?"

"Sorry to interupt you, Liara," I said, appreciative of her form-fitting training attire. The spandex-like material hugged her shapely legs and perky breasts, opening up around her stomach and showing off her smooth, light blue skin and belly button. "How's the training?"

"It's going rather well, I should say," she shrugged, smiling darkly. "I cannot wait to finally take on those Collectors... and then the Shadow Broker..."

The change in Liara over the last two years was astonishing. Although still relatively shy around the rest of the crew, Liara had become much more aggressive, actively seeking her goals to an obsessive degree.

"Would you like a sparring partner," I asked, my head filling with images of pinning the asari beneath me and gently stroking her tight body...

"What? How would we do this," she questioned, concerned. "I've never trained myself to 'hold back' my abilites, Shepard."

I assured her that I could take whatever punishment she sent my way, and a space was cleared for our bout. Biotic energy surged through my veins and I surprised my more experienced oppenent with a powerful Charge attack, knocking her off balance and she was pelted with several low-powered shotgun shots before she hid behind a nearby crate stack.

"You can't hide forever, Liara," I teased, to which she promptly sent me flying with a well-powered Shockwave. She jumped at me, pinning me beneath her, fist cocked back full of biotic energy.

"Concede defeat," she growled, her face full of the passion of battle.

It was so sexy having her body so close to me; so dominating... Liara's eyes widened in surprise as she felt my loosly clothed erection push up against her navel.

"Shepard, what...?"


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