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Mass Effect: Mission X | darkblaze012 | 2


Liara T'Soni - Asari Prothean Archaeologist, 108 years old (almost a child by asari standards), reliable biotic, quiet, intimidating.

Ashley Williams - Human Soldier, 27 years old, strong figher, bold, formely attracted to Commander Shepard, married to Henry Williams (same last name, oddly).

Tali'Zhora vas Normandy - Quarian Tech Specialist, 24 years old, skilled mechanic, shy about her feelings but socially outgoing, currenly attracted to Commander Shepard (observation by Yeoman Kelly Chambers and Mordin).

Miranda Lawson - Cerberus Loyalist and Shepard's Second-in-Command, theoretically 23 years old (genetically engineered), blunt and slightly arrogant, buisness-minded but is grateful for Shepard's assistance with saving her sister - possibly now attracted to Shepard.

Morinth - Asari Ardat-Yakshi, approximately 460 years old, powerful biotic and genius, she is extremely seductive and gains power through the after-sex-deaths of her mates, she implies that Commander Shepard may be too strong willed to die through mating with her.

Jack - Human Biotic, age unknown (possibly early 20s), extremly powerful biotic, unstable, strong temper, covered in symbolic tattoos, she doesn't believe Shepard has her best interests at heart.

Yeoman Kelly Chambers - Human Psychiatrist and Shepard's Yeoman, possibly in her late 20s, very flirtatous, professional when required, passionate when optional.

Pictures and Story Descriptions of all characters are outlined in:

Romance Scenes of the Characters available on YouTube


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