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Star-Studded Summer | brainysmurfette | 2


Moving with the wave of people toward the movie set, pushed back her silky, blonde hair and smoothed her short, denim skirt. She wondered what sort of adventures lay before her. What celebrities would she see? Would she actually get to talk to some? The idea was making the inexperienced girl quite dizzy.


The exclamation made her jump. It took her a few moments to realize that it had been directed towards her. A very important-looking man, dressed completely in black (including his beret, trendy glasses and gotee) was walking in her direction.

"You! I want you! I must have you!" said the director with a heavy French accent.

"Excuse me?" had never had anyone say THAT to her before.

"You're perfect! You will be in my movie, no?"


Does she accept?


          Yep, sounds like fun!

          No way. She's an intellectual, damn it!


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