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Soccer Mom | kabundan | 5


Grasping both of your hands above your head in one of his Jon proceeds to break the straps of your top and pull it down your chest revealing your black lacey bra underneath its then dragged downwards and off your body by the rest of the team. You scream but one of them rips off a part of your top and stuffs it into your mouth muffling the sound.

They jeer at you as the rest of the team hold your arms giving jon both arms free to undo and remove your skirt leaving you in your matching black thong and panties in front of your sons soccer team.

You manage to spit out your gag and you cry out "Jon please don't do this to me, don't rape me, i'm your Mother!"


Will Jon stop, make Mum an offer or carry on stripping Mum and take her by force?


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