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Party at Marcie's house | deathofcards | 14


“So was he as good as I said he would be?.” Kristen asked.

Nancy's eyes light up and licked her lips seductivly. “Even better. Thank you so much Kristen.” Nancy answered.

just sat there in disbelief.

“You even let him take you in the ass. It took months of begging before I would even let him.” Kristen replied.

“Well everything else he did felt so good.” Nancy told her.

“Wait, you set me up?” asked.

“What you just thought I'd let you fuck other girls without my permission.” Kristen told him.

“How?” queried.

“It was a couple of weeks ago....


I came round a few weeks back but you weren't home at the time. I knocked a couple of times but there was no answer. Then I heard crying coming from your neighbour's yard. I don't know why but something just made me look over the fence. Nancy was sat there crying her eyes out sat on her back step. I wandered over, wondering if I could help in anyway.

“Hi it's Nancy isn't it?” I asked her.

“Yes. You're 's girlfreind aren't you?” Nancy replied.

I offered her a tissue. She took it graciously using it to dry her eyes.

“What's up?” I asked.

“It's nothing really just a silly little thing.” Nancy answered.

I sat down next to her putting my arm around her.

“I can't be that silly if it's got you all worked up like this.” I said comfortingly.

“I had a big fight with my Mom.” Nancy told her.

“What over?”

Nancy sighed “Boys.”

“Your family is really religious aren't they?” I asked her.

Nancy nodded. “We're Catholics and my parents are really strict. A Boy at school asked me out. Nothing fancy just dinner and a movie. My parents as always over-reacted and just think he wants to take advantage of me.” Nancy told her.

“They can't shield you from the world forever.” I replied.

“They always do this. Anytime a boy asks me out they argue with me saying they know what's best. But they never ask me what I want. I want to go on dates with boys. I've not even kissed a boy properly.” Nancy exclaimed.

I hugged her tighter. “Let it out girl.” I said reassuringly.

“I don't want protecting. I want to be allowed to be a woman.” Nancy said honestly.

“You mean sex?” I questioned.

Nancy nodded a little too embarrased to answer.

“It's okay Nancy. It's only natural to want experience intimate stuff like that.” I said.

“You're lucky. You've got . I wish I had someone like that.” She replied.

“ he's really good. Really experienced.” I told her.

“Can I tell you something?” She asked me.

“Sure. Anything.” I answered.

“Sometimes I hear the two of you together. I like to think it's me is with. Is that bad?” She asked.

I smiled. “ I see the way he looks at you. He thinks you're really hot. You are hot Nancy.”

Nancy blushed. “He looks at me like that? I see him sometimes but I never thought that. Your boyfreind is a sexy guy Kristen.” She replied.

“He's a proper stud in bed as well.” I told her.

A wicked grin crossed my face.

“What?” She asked me.

“An idea Nancy. A very naughty idea.” I replied.

“Will I like it?” She asked.

“Would you like to be your first?” I asked.

“I couldn't do that Kristen. I want to go on dates but isn't that going a little too far.” She replied.

Nancy hung her head in shame.

“Yes. I would love that Kristen. But how am I going to convince him.” She asked.

“Guys think with their dicks girl. You won't need to convince him. But I want you to make it seem like he's convincing you. Play up the Catholic schoolgirl bit. Lay it on really thick. He'd love the idea of corrupting you. It would be a major turn on for him” I explained.

“This sounds fun. I could pretend to be locked out of my house. So I'd have to wait with him until my parents get home.” She added.

“I like that.I'll make sure has plenty of condoms. Wait a week or two and give me a call when you're going to go through with it. I'd like to watch you two together.” I told her.

I scribbled my number down for her.

“You want to watch us? That sounds a little weird.” She replied.

“It'll be hot Nancy.” I told her.

“I hope so Kristen. I better get back inside” She replied.

We hugged. “Have fun with .

She smiled “I will.”

Nancy headed back inside and I made my way home.


shook his head in disbelief.. Kristen moved over and hugged Nancy again. “Thank you Kristen. He was wonderful.” Nancy told her.

“Well know my boyfreind has had his fun. I think I should be allowed to have mine.” Kristen told her. She kissed Nancy fully on the lips. Nancy seemed a little hesitant at first then melted into Kristen's embrace. watched as his girlfreind started to tease Nancy's pussy with her fingers. He could feel his loins stirring and wanted some of this action


Does he join in? Or just watch?

          Just sit back and enjoy the view.


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