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Sinister Urge: A Zombie Survival Story | Dizzy21 | 12


As the next day continued, Jace munched on the plentiful supply of food he had packed and rode the horse with several break throughout the day. He made twenty more miles in the first day. He took a two hour break for the horse at sundown—but he planned to ride on through the night. Only ten more miles, he was so close that he just had to get there as soon as possible. For his safety, and for Kelly’s sake.

After his break, he got up on his horse and continued. After five miles, he took to the highway, feeling the haven would be set off of it just barely. He came across a makeshift sign with spray paint lettering. ‘Neo-Victoria: 5 miles.’ Jace’s heart leapt, and he forced his horse to a gallop. He arrived to the doors of the city an hour later. At the gates of the city, there stood a gang of zombies banging on the door. How was he going to get in?

Just then, an explosion occurred from within the gang. A line of smoke trailed up from the gang to a watchtower where a man was shouting to the group—Jace couldn’t make out a word of what was said. It sounded like cheering. Then gunshots were heard and the last of the gang of zombies fell dead—again.

The gate was clear, and Jace approached on horse with his arms up and hands faced forward. “I am not one of them! I am looking for shelter and safety!” One of the men from the watchtower took up a pair of binoculars and checked out the young man. He barked an order and the gate slowly opened. Jace walked in and was met by some 10 men with an assortment of guns. “What is your name and state your intentions?”

“Jace. And I’m looking for safety, shelter, and news on what is going on.”

“Have you been touched or bitten by one of those things.” Barked an officer as he lowered his gun and commanded the other defenders to do so also.

Jace imagined what had happened last night. “No.” he said calmly.

“OK then, we can only trust you so much, so we’ll need you to be officially screened at our clinic. I hope you can understand why this is necessary, we’ve had liars in the past and they have brought us nothing but more lost lives and wasted bullets. After you are cleared, you’ll be taken to meet the mayor and head commander of the city—Victoria, she greets all of our guests and new residents.” The commander panted a little, that was a lot to explain to a newcomer. (;p) “Follow me.”


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