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Sinister Urge: A Zombie Survival Story | Dizzy21 | 11


As Jace awakened from the upstairs bed, he rolled over to look out the window. The sun was shining, and he did not want to spend the day walking. He stood and removed the light barricade he had set on the door.

As he descended the stairs, to the main level, he took a little caution and grabbed a nearby cane. Looking around, he made his to the kitchen. He fixed himself some food—cereal had to do, the milk and bread were expired and moldy. He grabbed a backpack from the corner and filled it with all the food he could find. In addition to food, he was bringing the cane and a handgun he mustered from the van.

He was ready to go, but before he left, he wanted to check on Kelly on last time. As soon as he opened to the door to the basement, Kelly stirred and fixed her dead gaze on him. “It’s alright. It’s just me. I wanted to say goodbye, and let you know I’ll be back in four days at most.” Kelly couldn’t understand him. As he drew himself closer to her, she reached for his pants. “Breakfast?” he asked. “OK”

Jace unzipped once again and began stroking himself. Imagining last night, he became erect and moved a little closer. He worked himself up and felt himself on the edge. “Open up” he moaned as he shot his semen onto her face and into her mouth. She scrambled to get all of the cum into her mouth with her hands. Jace zipped up, and began walking the staircase.

The fresh air of the outside caught his skin, and he took a deep breath. He realized that even in the darkest times of mankind, nature will be the same. He felt a little more connected to the Earth now than he ever felt among civilization.

He began walking when he looked at the stable and remember there was a horse inside. He made his way to the barn and creeped inside. Standing outside of the horse’s chamber, he offered his hand to the horses nose. It nuzzled his hand and seemed friendly. Saddling the horse the best a city-boy could, he managed to successfully prepare the horse to take on his journey.

Opening the gates, he was off for the haven to the West.


Journey Continues

          A day on the road, and arrival


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