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Sinister Urge: A Zombie Survival Story | Dizzy21 | 9


Together, with Kelly walking behind—tied to a seat belt, they trudged on for miles. He estimated they were fifty miles from the nearest human community, and they had walked all day for about 20 miles. The countryside helped to cover their journey from zombies very well. Kelly moaned through the sock in her mouth often enough; too noisy for any sneaky situation—but out there in the wilderness was just about right. They had to cross a road from time to time, but a straight line west was his best bet.

As the Sun was setting, they were walking directly into it over a deserted farm field. Long grass covered the plain. Jace was feeling more at ease. He figured two more days of this and they would be in the company of civilization once again—he missed it.

He saw a farm house up ahead, complete with a barn, a silo, and a three-story house. He thought that this would be a good place to hide Kelly until he could get back to her—provided it wasn’t already occupied by the ghoulies.

Tieing Kelly to a fence post outside, Jace checked the barn for life. A lone horse stood there as it looked back at Jace. Then he approached the farm house. His heart began to crescendo, and he feared the worst. He looked for a weapon, and grabbed a shovel lying outside on the porch. Opening the front door, he figured noise would get anything’s attention. “Hello, any zombies in here?!”—no answer.

This did not help his heart, as he then proceeded deeper inside. A lovely home, obviously once occupied by an elderly family. There were pictures on the walls of smiling grown-up children, and more yet of them all the way down to their same smiles 30 years prior as youngsters. Everything was nice here: the furniture, the wallpaper, the candy—EVERYWHERE! Jace enjoyed the aesthetics of this place, and found himself more at ease. His heart did not pound in fear anymore, but would get on edge with each new room. He went through the entire house. No one. 354 Elm St. was now his.

He went back outside to bring Kelly in. He was going to tie her up in the basement, and return to her in a couple of days. As he got outside, he looked to the fencepost Kelly was tied to and…


Is she there? Is she alone?

          She's there, and alone (let's bring her in)


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