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Sinister Urge: A Zombie Survival Story | Dizzy21 | 8


It all then hit him. He had been out cold for too long. At least long enough for his sister to have been changed. He remembered suddenly her being dragged away, and he realized that he was no longer looking at his sister—in spirit anyway. He resisted his sister and pushed her away, yet she struggled to climb back on top of him. He grabbed for anything to subdue her. He managed to tie her hand, and then her neck to a seat belt. Allowing to move freely.

He was afraid. He didn’t know anything about the zombies. How the infection spreads or anything. He assumed that it was from a bite or blood. He found a hat that they had stored for cold nights. He pulled it over her face and she was blinded. He cut holes for her to see. For some reason, he felt that he must take care of her. As she laid there subdued, Jace sat—and thought.

What was he going to do? He still thought of her as his sister; although, he looks directly at her and she only resembles her (aside from the scratches and her nude body—which is a new way of seeing his sister)—everything internal about her was gone. Jace was beside himself.

He wondered if he could save her. Should he give up on her? And look after just himself? Jace thought of suicide then. He teared up at the thought of the past. His family, his friends, everything he knows is gone. He then thought of his parents, and wondered what they would want him to do. He was the oldest and was raised as such a child that could role model, he was fairly mature in his head (except for his keenness on his sister was a very perverted). His parents would want him to live on. And in that moment, he looked at his sister and decided that he was going to see if he could save her. He knew it would be tough to bring her, but he thought that he could bring her to a place where she could be safe; where he could leave her until he found a way to bring her back.

He figured he was only fifty miles away from a safe haven they both heard of. A place of people that maybe could help him. That was his plan.
He tied her hands up behind her, forced a sock in her mouth to keep her from screaming and moaning, and used the length of the seat belt to make a collar to lead her by.
With all this in place, he looked to the West and began a new journey.


Where does their journey take them?

          The Plan


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