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An Interesting Family Reunion | darkblaze012 | 1


Every couple years or so, your parents “gets the itch” to host a large get together with the rest of the family. After having a house full of kids to keep them busy, they still aren’t used to having only you and your younger sister to care for – the invite includes almost everyone.

Aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and even your older sisters arrive between eight and nine in the morning, some having travelled several states, just to make it. You were assigned to greet each and every person who walked up to the door – a job that often involved lengthy conversation with the “guests”.

During your tenure as “greeter extraordinaire” you began to realize something about your family… they had become rather good looking since the last time you’ve seen them! You couldn’t help your thoughts from hitting the gutter (as they often do) despite being slightly disgusted at yourself for thinking that way. They are your family for good’s sake!

“Whew, I think that’s everyone ,” your mother, Cassandra sighed, smiling happily at the amount of people who showed up. Your already gutter-bound mind couldn’t help but admire how her white blouse clung to her surprisingly large breasts in the summer heat. “You can go say hello to everyone – I’ll start on lunch. Be sure to let them know they can swim,” she hollered as she walked into the kitchen. Everyone brought swimsuits; you thought grumpily, why do you have to remind them?

Most of the family were gathered underneath a large gazebo, shielding them from the intense heat – the kids were already exploring the spacious backyard, finding shade by trees and various outdoor games that were setup for the occasion.

“,” greeted your Uncle Freddie jovially, clapping you on the back. “This really is a great setup you have here? Helped put it together, did you?”

“Yeah, I helped,” you said, remembering how it took you and your father a good three hours to get it right. Neither of you were particularly gifted at constructing things without direction (which the gazebo did not have – it’s belonged to your parents for years), unlike Freddie, who was a general contractor. “Help yourself to some of the food, Uncle. I’m gonna go talk to…”


Who do you go see?


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