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Best Man's Diary | SparkyMan | 1


It's Saturday morning, and I've got to get ready for a big day! My lifelong pal from childhood, Matt Heisner, had finally decided to give up the single life, and settle down. Today he's marrying Michelle Reisman. This is really odd for me, since I haven't been home in nearly ten years. I joined the military right out of high school and haven't been back since. Many feelings of déjà vu overcome me as I wander past old haunts from my youth. Matt and I have kept in touch via letters, phone calls, and emails. I was pleasantly surprised when I got the call, announcing his engagement and his request that I be "The Best Man!"

It was doubly surprising, that he was marrying Michelle, who I had dated during high school. She always wanted to get married, and that's what drove us apart. I wanted to see the world, and didn't want to be encumbered by married life. We had had our fun times together, but that was a different story, and best left untold, given the present situation.

I had just arrived from my base, two nights ago, celebrating an ad hoc bachelor party with Matt. We both got pretty well wasted, and dropped a ton of cash on the various strippers, and lap dances throughout the evening, while catching up on past events. Last night was the rehearsal! I must say that the overall beauty that filled the room overwhelmed me. Having been away for ten years, and been around the world on three separate occasions, I had come to the realization that the hometown girls truly outshone all the others.

Seeing Michelle brought back many memories, which were hard to suppress, much like the erection growing in my trousers. Michelle's hair now hung down between her shoulders, flowing freely as it outlined her glowing face. She stood straighter, thrusting out her perky assets, which I immediately recalled feasting on, on numerous occasions. Her hips flared out, accentuating her rounded backside, which was packed tightly into the form fitting slacks she was wearing. I strained to see panty lines, and couldn't find any. Even though she was conservatively dressed, she was turning me on. At one point, during dinner, I caught her eyes, glancing my way. Her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes had a glassy glaze, until she snapped out of her trance and turned away. I can only imagine what she was thinking.

Liz Thompson, the Maid of Honor, my escort, was a knockout. She was physically a "perfect match" for me in the bridal party sense. She stood just over six feet tall, and with heels equaled my six four frame. She was all legs, clear up to her neck! I guessed her measurements to be somewhere close to 38-24-32. Her long blonde hair complemented her deeply tanned, olive-toned skin. The big brown eyes, gave her that innocent look, making me wonder how "innocent" she really was. We hit it off immediately when we met! Her charming and bubbly personality fit her to a tee. When we practiced the "walk", we both tingled from the sensation of skin-to-skin contact.

Danielle, Michelle's "little" sister, is one of the bridesmaids. Dani is no longer little! She has blossomed from the eight-year-old brat that I left ten years ago. There must be something in the water here, because my eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw her walking towards me, sporting a set of 38-D's, with twin peaks pointing straight out through the thin blouse she was wearing. Her pudgy figure had been replaced with a sporty, muscular look that was very alluring as she sashayed down the aisle in mock fashion. She made it perfectly clear that she was now "legal", and was going to be "on the prowl" at the wedding. During the dinner, she made every attempt she could to brush up against me, and tagged within several feet of me the remainder of the night.

Marianne, Michelle's mom had always liked me. She had always commented, that I was one of the few boys she approved of. I always laughed, wondering if she would feel the same if she knew what we used to do when no one was home! I noticed that she constantly went out of her way to make sure I was well taken care of. She always brought me a refill when my glass was empty, and was always clutching at my arm. She kept harping on how great it was to see me again. It was during this time that I began to notice her true beauty. She had kept herself in shape, and carried herself extremely well, and had hidden the years behind a body that worked out on a regular basis. I caught myself staring at her on numerous instances as she went from guest to guest.

Lastly, there was Matt's mom, Nicole! She insisted that I call her Nicole, when I addressed her formally (military habit). Nicole had given birth to Matt as a teen, and as such was just entering her forties. Little did Matt, or his mom; know that she had been the object of many of my late night fantasies during my adolescent years. She was considered as the area M.I.L.F. by many of the boys in my class. I found it difficult to not stare and recollect the many fantasies I had with her. We had stepped aside from the noise and chatted at length. She was extremely interested in my past ten years, seemingly hanging on every word. She even prodded, inquiring as to how many women I was stringing along? She kept insinuating that I was some sort of gigolo. I certainly felt it last night!

It was impossible for me to go to sleep without relieving the tension in my groin. The images of the five women flashed through my clenched eyes, as my cock erupted through my clenched fist. Now that the day was here, I could hardly wait to see what happens next.

I had just stepped from the shower, when I heard a faint tapping at my hotel room door.


Who is it? What happens at the wedding?

          It's the bride-to-be...

          The younger sister, Dani

          Marianne, the mother of the bride.

          Room service!

          Nicole and Marianne- together!


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