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The Petticoat | adat | 2


Ty felt like she couldn't breathe. How could this possibly be really happening to her? But the silly, jutting folds of the petticoat encircling her were very real. She pulled at it again with renewed vigor, desperately. As soon as she stopped the petticoat bounced back into place completely unharmed. It bobbed up and down slightly as if mocking her. With a cry of fear and rage she ran from her room and down the stairs to the garage.

She looked around wildly, bare feet slapping against the cold concrete, searching for anything she could use to free herself. A glint of light off of metal caught her eye. Garden shears. Not thinking she seized them and began chopping wildly at the springy material. She dropped them to the floor with a clang as soon as they proved useless. As part oh her had known they would. She grabbed a power drill from it's charging stand, turned it on, and pulled the trigger pressing it down into the humiliating fluff until it bore into the table underneath.

She pulled the drill away, holding her breath. The petticoat was unharmed, not even dirty.

"DAMNIT!" she cried. She covered her face with her hands and took a deep breath. She needed to think. But the damned thing gripping her midsection was itchy, and constantly bobbing. The very feel of it on her skin horrified her, but not as much as the thought of it's intention. It had been constructed with the goal of humiliating and degrading whoever got caught in it. It was made to violate. And someone had sent it to her specifically.

She snapped her fingers as an idea occurred to her. She ran to the kitchen. She turned on the stove top burners to high and held the lacy folds over the flame.

"Come on, come on. Please work."

She inspected the area she had burned and her heart sank. It was completely unaffected. Not even a scorch. She slid the ground defeated. Her sexy lips trembled as she blinked back her tears. She glanced at the clock on the microwave. The glowing green numbers told her she had fifteen minutes until her hour was up.


What does she do?


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