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The Fall of Athenapolis | kiahoga | 12


After dressing, you take the key ring and your spoon and quietly close the door to your cell ignoring the sputtered threats of Clymene's son. Locking him in this cell may actually save his life, you realize If the mansion is run over by bloodthirsty soldiers, being chained in the dungeon may be the safest location for one of Athenapolis's citizens. Moving slowly down the darkened hallway, you feel uncomfortable in the scratchiness of the simple fabric rubbing against your breasts and hips where the curves of your body press against the material. The shackles around your waist are heavier than you expected, and you are still not sure why you took them with you. Except for the couple times they dressed you in the gossamer costume, you haven’t worn clothing since the day Petroculus captured you. As you move away from the door the tone of the young man changes from threatening arrogance to cries for help. But this section of cells had thick walls that swallowed and muffled even the loudest of yells.

You come to the sturdy door at the end of the hallway, and place your ear against it to see if you can hear anything. After a minute the young man's pleas for help stop and you are able to listen for the sounds from the far side of the door. Listening carefully you can't here even the slightest sound immediately on the other side. With a deep breath you grasp the latch on the door, knowing that Kytonos one of Master Minos’ most lecherous guards was normally stationed on the other side of the door. Opening the door you see no one waiting on the other side.

“Gods be praised.” You intone. The words feel flat as you speak them and you wonder if you even believe the gods care about the actions of their children any more than a farmer cares about the ants that build their labyrinths in his field.

Without the closed door to muffle you from the rest of the manor you now hear much more. You hear the high pitched screams of women, the deeper voices of men yelling, and crying, and much moving about. Yes indeed you think, this city was finally going to get what it had coming. If you are truly going to be able to escape you will need food, money and a better weapon than your makeshift knife. Finding a place to hide from the initial brutal wave of invaders would probably be a good idea as well. From this room you can see three hallways - the one on the right you know leads to the entertainment rooms where the pleasure slaves were kept in gilded luxury. You don’t know where the other two lead but you hear lots of noise coming from the left hand hallway, and that means people. The third passage is quiet and leads straight ahead, but you have no idea where it goes other than somewhere deep into the manor.


Which way?

          Straight ahead


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