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Lady Augusta of Evian | brainysmurfette | 2


When Father Kristoph makes his announcement, "You may now kiss the bride," Dorian smiles at you and gives you a deep long kiss. Despite your objections to this wedding, you get wet just kissing him. "Are you ready for our honeymoon?" he asks, chuckling as you quiver in his arms.

That night he ceremoniously carries you into the bedchamber, you in a pink robe over a silky sleeping gown. He removes his velvet tunic, revealing a muslin undershirt and skin-tight pants. He gently kisses you, his tongue pushing its way into your warm mouth. Your legs fail you, and you fall down onto the huge, plush bed. Dorian moves to cover your body with his own, the hardness of his groin pushing against your virgin pussy.

The reality of the situation suddenly hits you: You're about to have sex with your own brother! Trying to move out of his firm grasp, you wimper and say, "Dorian, I'm really tired. It's been a big day for both of us. Why don't we just go to sleep and finish this some other time?"

Dorian just grins and says, "I don't think so, sis. I've been waiting many years for this moment, and you're not going to get away from me that easily."


What does Lady Augusta do?

          Sighing she starts to undo her gown


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